Well, why would I sabotage myself? you say. The thing is you wouldn’t knowingly do that!...But you may be doing it without knowing. Here’s what it looks like:
Someone we care about either ignores us by not paying any attention to us, or perhaps they resist us in some other way like arguing with us or not really being present when we are together. That behavior stirs up a lot for us, fear of rejection, fear of not being enough, fear of being unwanted, for starters, but we may not think of it that way. We’re just pissed, sad and disappointed. Because we are upset, we tend to react, perhaps in a way that causes conflict and more hurt feelings or not do or say anything, but simmer in resentment and unworthiness.
Let’s step back and look at the bigger picture: All we want is to be happy, to love and be loved exactly as we are. But where are we we? Farther away from love. Why does this happen?
It happens because Fear SEPARATES us. In our reaction to the other because they haven’t given us what we want-love- we exacerbate the lack of love with our own fear. This is how we unconsciously sabotage ourselves from the very thing that we want, LOVE. And if we’re not aware of this dynamic we’ll keep sabotaging ourselves from experiencing love.
So, what can we do to change that? you ask. We start by understanding Love UNITES us. Learning how to operate from Love instead of fear requires a STRATEGY, a PROCESS to shift that fear and separation into love and harmony. That’s exactly what I’m teaching my clients to do! When we’re able to respond to the other from love, we create a new dynamic that heals us and brings us all together.
So, if you’re so tired of sabotaging yourself with fear, and you’re ready to create harmony in your relationships, so you can enjoy your life, then send me a PM HERE to book a call, so that we can see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I am getting my clients.
If you are struggling with ANXIETY and SADNESS from a loss in your life, join my FB Group where I offer tips on creating new lives of PEACE, LOVE and JOY. Click HERE to join.
You are IMPORTANT! You matter. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be loved. ❤️
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