What’s Wrong? Oh…Nothing

Nothing at all. What do you want?...I don’t know…lots of things, I guess…It is our DESIRE that directs our human experience, our unique sense of sensuality, sexuality. We follow what we want because we feel separate from what we want. There’s nothing wrong with our desires, even when they lead us to a path of suffering. It is that path of suffering that we came to experience in order to heal it as part of our contribution to human evolution. 


When we approach desires as wrong, that’s not coming from our Highest selves. It’s coming from our human selves that feel separate from what we need and want, separate from our Divinity. Our roles here as Source in human bodies is to evolve human consciousness. In order to do that, we must be fully human while being fully Divine. The awakening process is when we open to the understanding of who we are as One. This process is not a one-time thing, though it may be marked by and begin with a one-time event. The special markers of our journey are like dots on a map to mark significant events in our lives. But the markers of our awakening are no more our actual awakening than the dots on the map are not the actual places we travel. 

When we look at desire and human experience as wrong, that is an indication that we are not operating from our truest and Highest nature, which knows that everything, everyone, every time, every place is One, and we are part of that One. Therefore nothing is wrong. Does that mean that we can run amok and allow ourselves to inflict pain and suffering on each other and the world? Of course not! Once again, when we think that way, that’s not coming from our Highest Self either. That comes from the part of us that is upset about the suffering in our world and feels separate from being safe and enjoying harmony. 

In order to navigate this human journey SUCCESSFULLY being fully human and fully Divine, we must learn how to operate from our truest and Highest nature and to ALIGN our human selves with this Divine nature. Our desires, which comes from our human selves that feel separate from what we want, are like our GPS system showing us aspects of humanity that we came to experience. It’s important that we follow those desires, so that we can explore various avenues of experiences and healing. Of course, sometimes following those desires leads to suffering. That’s part of the learning. If we try to avoid that part of the journey, we cannot fulfill why we came here. When we are aware and awake enough to realize that blindly following our desires leads to suffering, we can choose instead to use desire to bring us to healing and to creating for the Greater Good. 

What that looks like is being willing to explore what we truly desire from this open and free space and allowing our Divinity to bring us into that place because we are aware that we’re not separate from that which we desire. In fact, we ARE that which we desire.

If you’re tired of efforting and just trying to survive, and you’re interested in learning more about how to thrive and create a beautiful new life for yourself, then I invite you to my FB Group Creating A New Life. Click HERE to join.