Somebody help me, please! you say...Well before I help you, I need to know if you’re HELPABLE. What are you talking about? Can’t you see I NEED HELP? you scream. Oh yes, that obvious...don’t mean to upset you, but let’s look at this...
Suppose you are out in the ocean drowning and screaming help. And suppose I jump in the water and swim to you to bring you to the shore. But when I get to you, you are so panicked that you are thrashing about and grabbing onto my head, which pushes me under the water. Now, not only can I not help you, but I can’t breathe because you’re drowning me too. You are not HELPABLE in this state of pure fear.
In your frantic attempt to live, you can’t hear me telling you to calm down, relax, stop thrashing about, stop drowning me...instead lay still, and I will carry you safely to shore. If you do that, you become HELPABLE.
The same is true when we’re dealing with a lot of anxiety, fear, sadness, grief, anger. We tend to thrash about trying to get somebody to help us, but FEAR is making us not helpable. What does it take to be helpable for healing from anxiety and sadness, or anything, for the matter? you ask. Ahhh! Thank you for asking!
The reason I AM successful at what I do is because I only work with people who are helpable, which entails three qualities: RESOURCEFULNESS, COACHABILITY, and DECISIVENESS. I only work with people whose #1 priority is their healing. Both of us giving 110%, it’s a powerful formula for changing lives and creating amazing lives of peace, love and joy.
When a person is reSOURCEful, that means they recognize they are full of Source. Instead of saying, “I don’t have the resources to invest in my healing,” they say, “My bank account does not currently reflect the resources for the investment in my healing, however, because I’m resourceful, I will find a way to invest in myself.” I’m curious... Would you go to a car dealer and ask them to give you a car for free because you didn’t have the money to pay for it? Well, of course you wouldn’t! Instead, what do you do? You say, “I don’t have the money in my bank account right now, but I would like to make a loan because I need that car.” Why would you treat your healing any different? Isn’t your life and health more important than a car? Of course it is! You just didn’t realize this because of your programming based on all of that fear. But now you know. Now you’re one step closer to becoming helpable.
Let’s talk a little bit about coachability... What does that mean? That means that whatever the coach, the guide, the expert that you paid to guide you and show you how to heal and create a new life, says... you do it! You listen... without grumbling, complaining and resisting. You’re like a sponge soaking in all the healing energy. With that kind of attitude, you cannot fail.
So if you hope to be helped, the final quality is decisiveness. And what exactly does that mean? It means you don’t hesitate when you make a decision. You choose life and health for yourself in each moment. You don’t let fear keep you down.
My friends, if you have these three qualities, you are not only helpable, you WILL SUCCEED in healing yourself and creating a beautiful new life. So I’m wondering... do you need help with all that anxiety and sadness? But more importantly, are you helpable? If that’s you, send me a PM HERE to book a call, so that we can see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I am getting my clients.
If you are struggling with ANXIETY and SADNESS from a loss in your life, join my FB Group where I offer tips on creating new lives of PEACE, LOVE and JOY. Click HERE to join.
You are IMPORTANT! You matter. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be loved. And I love you so much!
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