What Are We Doing Here in These Freakin Human Bodies Anyway?!

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It ain’t EASY being human. Who’s bright idea was this?! Well, actually it was YOUR IDEA to come here!

Awww, come on! Why would we do such a thing! Each of us AGREED to come here to EVOLVE human consciousness. You don’t understand what I’m talking about, right? Stay with me, and I’ll break it down: each of us are a collection of experiences from this lifetime and stored in our DNA, from many lifetimes. And our collection of who we are is unique to each of us. Only YOU can bring the gift of you! Now your gift is whatever you heal from in this lifetime. But you must first experience something and feel it before you can heal it. And when you heal something in yourself, you heal it for all of humanity because we are all ONE. Therefore your life is your gift to everyone. 

You are a HERO just by agreeing to come into these bodies and stories. When you begin to open and become aware of who you are as pure LOVE in a human body, Source in skin, God in costume, you position yourself for healing and for living an amazing life full of peace, joy and love. 

Those of you who have experienced a lot of trauma in your lives, you have the potential of bringing the greatest gifts. But you have to take ACTION in order to actualize this healing. If you continue to try to blame others, distract yourself from yourself, feel sorry for yourself, which only gives away your power, you cannot do what you came here to do. 

NOW is the time to heal yourself. Today you can choose to follow your JOY and to climb out of that dark hole of despair. You do it one moment at a time, offering yourself so much love. If you’re at the end of your rope, experiencing so much suffering, what you need is a strategy for healing. It’s time to call in the expert. That’s exactly what my clients have done. If you could do it by yourself, you would, but you haven’t. Stop putting off your healing. The world is waiting for your gift, the gift of you! 

If you are struggling with ANXIETY, DEPRESSION and GRIEF, join my FB Group where I offer tips on creating new lives of PEACE, LOVE and JOY. Click HERE to join.

And if you’re DONE with ANXIETY, DEPRESSION and GRIEF, then send me a PM HERE to book a call so that we can see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I am getting my clients. 

Remember: You are important. You matter. We need you! And I love you so much! 

Free gift for you!

4 Simple Steps to Relieve Anxiety in 4 Minutes