And you feel so uptight that it’s driving you crazy? Does it seem like no matter how hard you try, you keep getting wound up even tighter? Nothing seems to be working like it should, and happiness and peace are like a fairy tale destination that you will never land in. If it’s not one thing it’s another...problems, drama and trauma...the spouse, the kids, the ex, the job, your health, money, yada, yada, yada...It sucks!
That tightly wound up feeling balls up in the pit of your stomach, or in your head or your throat. It exacerbates the anxiety that was already there and begins to fester into ANGER and DEPRESSION. I know about that. Let’s look at it together: that tightly wound up feeling is the human part of you called the ego. Think of it as the front man or woman to express your humanness.
Those tightly wadded balls say things as they are tightening:
“I can’t believe they treated me that way!”
“That was mine, and they took it from me!”
“I will get my revenge.”
“Nobody likes me, and I’m all alone.”
“I am a nobody.”
“I am a failure, and all I do is screw things up.”
The ego is not bad, it’s just so darn limited to our human logic, abilities and resources that it gets so frustrated and angry. It’s trying to keep itself alive because it has you convinced that the ego is who you are. But you are not your ego. You are BEHIND the ego as pure LOVE, pure JOY, pure consciousness, ALL THAT IS, in a human body. And this human journey is all about bringing that human part of you into alignment with your Divine limitless nature.
Okay, now back to the tightly wadded ego: think of that part of you that feels all wound up like a angry ball of string that wants to be UNRAVELED. That’s what we’re doing when we heal ourselves is unraveling our ego. Or envision an angry wind-up toy...eventually it just peters out. That’s our goal here. So how do we do that? That, my friends, requires a STRATEGY. It’s a process to unravel the ego and to flow from your Divine limitless nature which is the PEACE, LOVE and JOY that you ARE. And that’s exactly what I’m doing for my clients!
If you are struggling with ANXIETY, DEPRESSION and GRIEF, join my FB Group where I offer tips on creating new lives of PEACE, LOVE and JOY. Click HERE to join.
So if you’re tired of that wound up feeling keeping you in a constant state of ANXIETY, and you’re ready to unravel yourself so you can flow in your JOY, then send me a PM HERE to book a call so that we can see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I am getting my clients.
Remember: You are important. You matter. We need you! And I love you so much!
Free gift for you!
4 Simple Steps to Relieve Anxiety in 4 Minutes