New Year’s Resolutions Not Working For You? Here’s Why...

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We’ve all done it. Resolved to lose weight. Resolved to quit smoking. Resolved to exercise more. Resolved to read more. Resolved to quit blah, blah, blah...It lasts for two or three days, maybe 2 weeks, then it happens: we completely FORGET or just all out ditch our resolutions! They were entirely unreasonable to begin with, and there’s no way you would have that much will power. It sucks! I guess you will have to just have to stay STUCK exactly as you are...NOT!!!

Of course you don’t have to stay stuck. You absolutely can create the most amazing and beautiful life for yourself. But you can’t go about it with the energy of those New Year’s resolutions. Let me break it down for you: when we don’t like the way we look, think, behave, and we go about trying to push it away from us or get rid of it, it’s very hard to change things. Why? Because the RESISTANCE we have to parts of ourselves makes it like we’re trying to force ourselves past a big boulder in our path. We can wedge our way around it, push it a few inches, but it’s just HARD WORK! 

You might even be one of those people who manage to lose a lot of weight, only to gain it back very quickly. This happens because when we’re fighting against parts of ourselves that we don’t like, and we’re operating from our human strength and way of being that judges “this should not be”. And we remain limited to our human logic, resources and abilities. 

If you really want to transform your life, it must begin with the energy of LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. You must open to loving and accepting yourself EXACTLY AS YOU ARE. That means that you love that part of you that is fat, lazy, stubborn, afraid, insecure, depressed, dumb, judgmental and cynical. What?! Yes, that’s right. Love the hell out of yourself. 

How do we do this? You must be willing to look past the physical human reality and to see that every single part of yourself is Divine Source energy of LOVE. You are made of Stardust. You are Source in skin, God in costume, working through your human experience, healing what you came here to heal. If you keep resisting, fighting, pushing away, ignoring the very parts of you that you came to heal, they will always show up in other ways because this is exactly what you came as LOVE itself to heal. 

Now let’s look at this again: once you’ve offered your overweight body and all the feelings you have about being overweight, the love and acceptance that it is asking for, you position yourself to listen to your heart, your intuition, about what’s appropriate for you in this moment, which can change in five minutes. (The reason why diets are so ineffective is because they keep us limited to our human plans and ideas, instead of flowing from our intuition, which allows us to serve ourselves in the most effective way.)

When you began listening to your intuition about what’s appropriate for you in this moment, you open yourself to your limitless abilities. You’re no longer fighting that big boulder in the path. You are scaling it and reaching new heights! From this place, your intuition may start showing you problem foods to eliminate from your diet. You can begin to listen to what your body needs and wants. You can begin to work with parts of you that feel less than, offering them the most tender love and attention. This is how you heal yourself. This is how you make lasting transformation. It’s amazing!

Operating in this way is not hard to do, it’s just so UNFAMILIAR to us! It requires a STRATEGY to shift ourselves into a new way of being, and to REWIRE our brains. That’s exactly what I’m doing for myself and my clients!

So if you’re done with New Year’s resolutions that don’t work, and you’re ready to truly transform your life, especially all that anxiety, grief and depression, then send me a PM HERE to book a call so that we can see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I am getting my clients.

If you are struggling with ANXIETY, DEPRESSION and GRIEF, join my FB Group where I offer tips on creating new lives of PEACE, LOVE and JOY. Click HERE to join.

Remember: You are important. You matter. And I love you so much! 

Free gift for you!

4 Simple Steps to Relieve Anxiety in 4 Minutes