Did You Know Fighting Anything Makes It Worse?


Let me guess... you want to fight me for saying that! Well maybe not fight me, but argue with me... It’s just our human nature to fight and resist. In fact, we actually needed that instinct to survive on the planet. What’s not apparent to us is that at this stage in our human evolution, not only do we not need fighting and resisting, we are making things worse by it because what we fight, we strengthen, and what we resist persists. 

Let’s take a closer look at this by looking at all the war, disease, crime, abuse, desolation and a bunch of other crap in our world. It makes us angry, sad, afraid just for starters. It hurts to see suffering and destruction. But here’s where we get stuck: we think that what’s happening out there in the world is over there, and we are powerless over it. 

What’s not obvious to us is that we are actually ONE with everything, and when we fight something or someone outside of ourselves, we are actually fighting OURSELVES. What do you mean? you say. I mean that ANGER, that SADNESS, that FEAR that you FEEL when you see suffering is PART of YOU! And when you fight and resist parts of yourself, you make the suffering worse because those parts of you are asking to be healed. 

In fact, when you heal those parts of yourself, your anger, your sadness, your fear, instead of pushing them away, distracting yourself or fighting to change the situation so that what’s happening outside of you changes, you heal the entire world because we are ONE. 

Well, how do I heal my anger, sadness, fear? you ask. You do the exact OPPOSITE of what have been doing, that is all that fighting and resisting. In order to heal yourself and our world because we are ONE, you LOVE and ACCEPT all of those parts of you that are suffering and asking to be healed! 

When you do that, you EXPAND more into your Divine limitless nature and position yourself to take inspired action or non-action that will truly shift and heal the suffering in our world. Otherwise life will be HARD, and you will bust your butt trying to make change that doesn’t happen because you are operating from your LIMITED human nature. This is how we change the world: by LOVING and ACCEPTING the hell out of what’s HERE NOW. 

How do we do that? you ask! That my friends requires a STRATEGY because it’s not something we can just logically understand and then change. It’s a process to SHIFT from fighting and resisting ourselves to loving and accepting ourselves, which is exactly what I’m showing my clients how to do! 

So if you’re over fighting yourself and watching our world go to hell in a hand basket, and you’re READY to create a new life and a new world, then BOOK a CALL HERE so that we can see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I am getting my clients. (Don’t put it off because you know good and well that fear will keep you from reaching out, and you’ll just continue in your misery.)

You are IMPORTANT! You matter. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be loved. And I love you so much! 

Free gift for you!

4 Simple Steps to Relieve Anxiety in 4 Minutes