And you feel helpless and afraid? No matter how hard you try, something comes up that keeps you down. Do you feel powerless? Like you don’t have a choice? Life keeps dealing you a bad hand. People treating you like crap, maybe taking advantage of you. Maybe you’ve been traumatized by a bad breakup or divorce, and you’re so sick of the drama and conflict with your ex. And you feel unappreciated, unwanted, maybe even suppressed, pushed down.
All that does is make you more afraid, anxious and angry. Arrrggh! Being powerless sucks, but you have no clue how to turn your life around. What you need is a strategy to shift from being powerless to being powerful beyond measure.
Let me tell you a story about one of my clients: He’s a really nice guy, and he’s been through a lot of trauma. Meanwhile, people take advantage of his good nature by constantly wanting more and more from him. It has made him feel really anxious and completely powerless because he thought that if he didn’t keep giving everybody all they demanded from him, they wouldn’t like him, but he felt taken advantage of over and over. It has just made him feel so crazy. So he and I did some work together, so that by the time we finished, he totally shifted his energy from being powerless to being powerful and in control of his life, while operating from the vibration of love. From there, he went into an important meeting, that he originally thought would be a big fight. But since he shifted his energy with a strategy of how to respond from the power of love, the meeting went beautifully. In fact he said, “It went BETTER than I could have ever expected. I felt confident in communicating my decisions of how to act in everyone’s best interests, while operating from compassion and care for the others.”
So if you’re ready to shift your life from powerless to powerful like my clients are doing, and to create an amazing new life for yourself, then BOOK a CALL here so that we can see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I am getting my clients. (Don’t put it off because you know good and well that fear will keep you from reaching out, and you’ll just continue in your misery.)
You are IMPORTANT! You matter. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be loved. And I love you so much!
Free gift for you!
4 Simple Steps to Relieve Anxiety in 4 Minutes