Are You Spending All Your Time Trying to Get It Right?


People, stop wasting your time trying to figure things out, so that you don’t mess up. That’s a very unskillful and LIMITED way of being that comes from FEAR...Fear of being wrong, Fear of failure, Fear of being hurt, Fear of not being enough, Fear of not having enough. Any time you spend your energy trying to avoid, push away or fight what you don’t want, you limit yourself and often wind up getting what you don’t want!

There is a better way! Follow your joy. Follow what you DO WANT. Start learning how to tap into your Divine LIMITLESS nature that knows everything it needs to know in this moment by being HERE NOW. Stop trying to figure things out with your human logic and relying on your human abilities and resources. 

My Lord! I watch people having so much resistance to what’s HERE NOW, banging on the door that just slammed in their face, they can’t see the wonderful open door down the hall waiting to bring them to a place that serves them better at this time! And they don’t realize the very things and people they are fighting and resisting are actually parts of THEMSELVES that are asking to be healed! 

In fact, those very parts of ourselves that we automatically fight, ignore, push away, demonize even, are the very reason WE CAME LOVE and HEAL. 

Thank you so much for all the wonderful modalities that people use to heal themselves, doctors, medicines, diets, crystals, massages, energy workers, blah, blah, blah, but if those are the primary source of healing, and you keep fighting and resisting the very parts of yourself that need healing, then all of those modalities are useless. Because you remain not healed. And a lot of times, people make it worse by trying all of those things, which tends to get them focused on trying to get it right, and avoiding and fighting what they think is wrong. 

Wake up, people! You are Divine LIMITLESS beings. Why are you fiddling around trying to live your life like a limited human being? And judging everything and everyone that’s not doing it like you think they should do it. It’s time to start being HERE NOW, where everything is, where all knowing is, where all power is, where LOVE, JOY and PEACE is. It’s time to start intuiting what’s appropriate in this moment for you and you alone. You’re not responsible to decide what’s appropriate for other people. And what’s appropriate in this moment can change in five minutes. If you’re relying on some plan or belief system or set of rules, you don’t have to be present to live your life. The truth is that most people live their entire lives from that very limited way of being, and never access their Divine limitless nature by being present. 

It’s time to take inspired action or non-action based on your intuition. Stop fighting and resisting and start loving and accepting what’s here now. The world needs you to show up in your full glory and power. So what are you waiting for? BE HERE NOW. BE LOVE. BE JOY. BE PEACE. And ACT from who  YOU ARE.