Pass the Magic Please!

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Are you getting tired of trying and working so hard, using all of the will power you can muster, busting it, but still not doing enough? Perhaps you are ready for some magic in your life...

As humans we are programmed to work within our LIMITED human senses, logic, abilities and resources. And we can’t see any other way of living from our limited human perspective. It’s like not being able to see the picture because you’re in the frame. Or not being able to see the forest because of the trees. What we can’t see from our human eyes is that we ARE PURE MAGIC! What?!!!

That’s right! We are Divine limitless beings, pure Source energy, having a human experience of feeling separate from everything and everyone, which is completely OPPOSITE of our true nature as ONE with ALL THAT IS!

If we would like to access our limitless nature, the MAGIC that WE ARE, we can do this by changing our PERSPECTIVE, by sitting in the seat of the AWARENESS that we are. How in the world do we do that?! We OPEN to our Divine limitless nature by being PRESENT with LOVE and ACCEPTANCE to whatever arises in this moment.

This requires PRACTICES to reprogram ourselves because we have spent our entire lives NOT being present and living life from only our human perspective. As we keep PRACTICING PRESENCE, we keep OPENING to the MAGIC that we are.

When I AM HERE NOW, I tap into my LIMITLESS nature. HERE NOW instead of scratching, clawing, begging, working so hard that I don’t have time to care for myself, much less my relationships, I can operate from my Divine limitless nature and simply OPEN and RECEIVE all knowing, all resources and all abilities I need and want. It’s literally ALL HERE NOW!

Operating from our limited human self is like holding a funnel with the small opening up to the heavens, and experiencing a trickle pouring out on us. But when we are PRESENT, we turn the funnel around with the wide opening UP, and we position ourselves to RECEIVE abundance, wisdom, health, joy, love, and anything we need or want. Life becomes graceful, effortless, clear, joyful, fun and truly MAGICAL! This is how we create a new earth.