Hitting the Target

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Thoughts are ENERGY that is FORMLESS. Whether we are aware of it or not, our thoughts create our 3D reality, or in other words, the FORMLESS manifests into FORM. For example, looking at this strictly in terms of energy, without the labels of good, bad, right, wrong, positive, negative: What we experience is a manifestation of flow and resistance of energy.

The very reason we came into these human bodies and stories as pure SOURCE energy in skin, is to EVOLVE our unique aspect of SOURCE. In order to do this we must experience feeling SEPARATE from everything and everyone. And our work is to HARMONIZE, HEAL, RESTORE and REUNITE these parts of ourselves that feel so SEPARATE.

So here we are having our human experience of feeling separate, which generates our collection of FEARS, which is RESISTANCE, BLOCKED ENERGY, old STUCK energy, from this lifetime AND stored in our cellular DNA, from many lifetimes. Whatever resistance that manifests into our PHYSICAL 3D reality along this journey is precisely what we came to heal and REUNITE back into the WHOLE of the LOVE that WE ARE. Therefore, there is no “wrongness”, nothing and no one to blame. This old stuck energy is our opportunity to create FLOW if we so choose. This is our contribution to the evolution of the collective.

Let’s suppose we are diseased. Strictly in terms of energy, the dis-ease is a manifestation of BLOCKED energy caused by RESISTANCE, either from this lifetime or from previous lifetimes manifested through our DNA. The resistance is generated by FEAR, TRAUMA, DRAMA in our human experience of feeling SEPARATE. Remember, underneath all of this is the understanding that this blocked energy is EXACTLY what we came to experience so that we can evolve our aspect of SOURCE. Once again, there is NOTHING WRONG. Working with this is our GIFT to humankind, and we get to choose however we wish to proceed with our work. It’s our HERO’S JOURNEY.

When we are in this diseased state, because we are so habituated to only operate from FORM, that is our HUMAN self, we become LIMITED by our human senses, logic, abilities and resources as we go about trying to heal ourselves. And we often produce less than stellar results because we keep looping around in the THOUGHTS that we are sick and in pain and that’s something is terribly wrong, producing the same physical reality of being diseased. This is because we haven’t created FLOW, and we can even be compounding the BLOCKED energy by our RESISTANCE to what’s HERE NOW.

The way to create FLOW is to offer ACCEPTANCE to RESISTANCE as it arises in THIS MOMENT. If you try to sidestep or go around this blocked energy to produce your healing, it eventually will bring you BACK to the BLOCKAGE caused by resistance because remember this is why you came. This is why it doesn’t serve to try to manifest from your FORM or HUMAN self, which is so LIMITED and will keep you looping around in suffering until you are ready to address the BLOCKED energy.

Let’s suppose you ARE ready to offer LOVE and ACCEPTANCE to your FEAR and RESISTANCE as it arises HERE NOW. You can dramatically improve your ability to heal yourself through your AWARENESS and INTENTION. Remember this is FORMLESS energy that you can bring into FORM, manifesting as your healing. As we keep OPENING to our FORMLESS nature, which is pure CONSCIOUSNESS, PRESENCE, LOVE, AWARENESS, SOURCE, by offering LOVE and ACCEPTANCE to our FEAR and RESISTANCE as it arises HERE NOW, we can use INTENTION (powerful formless Source energy) to create FORM, our physical reality.

Honing your INTENTION in alignment with your Highest Self has the effect of aiming at a target when you are shooting an arrow. If you are blindly shooting arrows, you are less likely to hit the target. What this may look like in the case of the diseased person is blindly taking medicines, therapies and nutrition because somebody said it should heal you. You can DRAMATICALLY improve your ability to hit the target and heal yourself if you inquire WHAT is the purpose of the medicine, therapy and nutrition, and ALIGN your INTENTION with the practioner’s.

This is true for EVERYTHING in our lives: When we keep OPENING to our FORMLESS LIMITLESS nature by creating FLOW through ACCEPTANCE of our RESISTANCE, we can operate from our HIGHEST SELF. We can now SEE what is not visible to our LIMITED FORM self. We can hone our INTENTION on WHATEVER we choose to create for the Greater Good. This is how we create a NEW EARTH.