Is it that your anxiety is so great that it’s too hard to heal?...Nope!... Is it because someone else in our lives is making us so miserable, and we can’t get away from them?... Nope!... Is it because we’re not smart enough to figure out how to heal?...Nope!... Well, tell us already! you say with a touch of irritation... here goes... The #1 thing that’s blocking your healing is scarcity mentality, AKA your idea that you don’t have enough to invest in your healing.
I can see you looking at me sideways... trying to figure out if I know what I’m talking about. I assure you, I do. I talk to lots of people who suffer from anxiety and sadness and a whole bunch of crap that makes him feel miserable. And this is where the roadblock is: despite the fact they spend the day in bed with debilitating anxiety, they go to the emergency room with panic attacks, they loose their sh*t like a neurotic maniac on a regular basis, their job performance puts them at risk of losing their job, they cannot sleep and spend their nights worrying about all sorts of things, they isolate and feel lonely as hell... you get the idea... when it comes to the point of choosing to prioritize their healing by investing their time, MONEY and energy in their healing, they completely shut down and decide their situation isn’t that bad... or if it is, there’s got to be a better way that’s FREE and FAST to get healed... or they just go on feeling screwed.
My friends, do you know where that idea of “I don’t have enough” comes from? It comes from your idea of “I’m NOT enough.” That’s exactly what wants to be healed! And if you’re unwilling to let go of scarcity mentality of “I don’t have enough”, then you remain in scarcity, and healing is gonna be hard and a long time coming... Why? Because we attract the energy we vibrate. So when you say, “I don’t have enough,” that’s exactly what you get! But on the flipside, when you choose to let go of scarcity mentality, you open to your limitless nature which is abundance.
Let me tell you a personal story... Five years ago, my son Cory died suddenly and unexpectedly. That’s a pretty traumatic event. For most people, it puts them down for a long period of time. And sometimes people never recover from that. Fortunately, with Cory‘s assistance from the other side, I embarked on a healing journey and have not only recovered very quickly with the tools to sustain my healing and teach others to do the same, I came into my purpose for being here in this human body at this time, which is to shift human consciousness and create a new earth. Nothing else matters to me.
The way that I change the world is by embodying the LOVE that we are and teaching others to do the same. If you know me at all, you know there is not a fake bone in my body. I see everyone in their most empowered state, no matter what it looks like on the outside. My only motivation for sharing my message is to create a new earth by helping people wake up to who we are as LOVE.
I’ve spent these last five years freely sharing what I’ve learned and have helped a lot of people. And I continue to give away a lot of inspiration and wisdom on a daily basis. But I came to a point where I realized I was energetically out of balance by giving away my offering for free, and I was NOT making a significant impact on people’s lives. Why? Because we don’t value what we don’t pay for. In order for there to be a significant shift in someone’s life, there must be a significant energy exchange. This notion that spirituality should be free is keeping us very small, my friends, and completely out of balance. This is why our world is suffering: because the people who could actually make a difference, the spiritual leaders, have been kept very small with this idea that spirituality and money don’t mix.
When you refuse to invest in your healing, what you are really saying is that you don’t value yourself enough to invest in yourself. And what you are saying to the person who has a significant and transformative offering for you to heal is you don’t value them... or trust them. Now let’s think about this... Why would I want to invest my time and energy in you if you don’t even value yourself, much less me! It won’t work! It’s that plain and simple... You have to KNOW you are worth investing in and be willing to be resourceful enough to do whatever it takes to prioritize your healing. When you have that attitude, trust me, the Universe will provide a way.
For example, I made a huge transition to move to Austin,Texas a little over a year ago. I started a business and began supporting myself for the first time in my entire life. Guess what? It wasn’t hard! And I didn’t have to pinch pennies or do without. In fact, I continue to thrive and flow in abundance. Why is that so? It’s because I opened to my infinite nature, and I said yes to investing in myself. I’ve invested over $60K in myself since I’ve moved here so that I could bring you an offering that will completely shift your life and our world. It has felt amazing investing in myself and in my purpose! I have never regretted investing in myself! The Universe sees that and keeps pouring out abundance on me!
So, when I hear you say “I don’t have enough,” I want to invite you to know that you certainly do have enough and more! And until you’re willing to see that, life is going to be hard. So... are you ready to shift that? Because once you remove that block of scarcity mentality by your choice to let it go and trust the Universe to carry you... because it will... then you’re ready to embark on a healing journey that is amazing and graceful, not hard and painful like what you’re currently doing. (By the way, is that way working for you?... I didn’t think so because you wouldn’t be reading this if it was.)
Anyways, if you’re ready to let go of that fear that somebody’s gonna take something from you and then you’ll really be screwed, and you’re ready to TRUST someone who actually knows how to guide you to healing and has YOUR best interest at heart always because she genuinely CARES and loves you, then send me a PM HERE so we can book a call to see if we’re a match to work together. And I can get you the same results I’m getting my clients.
If you are struggling with ANXIETY and SADNESS from a loss, join my FB Group where I offer tips on creating new lives of PEACE, LOVE and JOY. Click HERE to join.
It’s time for you to be free and happy! ❤️
Free gift for you!