Discovering Your Surprise Gifts

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Each of us bring unique GIFTS to the collective “table” through our individual aspect of Source. What we are “good” at, our natural talents and abilities are the OBVIOUS gifts. Yet, what we can’t see from our LIMITED human perspective is that we have SURPRISE gifts that are actually the REAL reason we came into these bodies and stories! It’s exactly what we came to bring to the collective, our unique offering.

These gifts are wrapped so well that we have no idea what’s inside. In fact, we don’t even recognize from the packaging that they are gifts! And often, they are hidden very well, so that we don’t even know they are here, ready for us to unwrap, enjoy and share with the world. “What in the world are you talking about?” you ask... Thank you for asking!

These surprise gifts are your WEAKNESSES, your LIMITATIONS, which are exactly your STRENGTHS. These gifts are all of your FEARS, which is your LOVE in disguise. WHAT??! Yup...our Sadness is our Joy. Our Anxiety is our Excitement for life. Our Anger is our Passion and Power. Our Impatience is our Patience. Our Guilt is our Innocence. Our Lack is our Abundance. Our Sickness is our Health...and so on.

What is not obvious to your human self is that your Highest Self created this human experience so you can EVOLVE your aspect of SOURCE by UNWRAPPING and offering these GIFTS to the world.

How does one “unwrap” these gifts? By offering LOVE and ACCEPTANCE to our FEAR and RESISTANCE as it arises HERE NOW. It’s pure MAGIC, ALCHEMY and the very reason we came here.

But first, we must be AWARE of the packages, our FEAR and RESISTANCE, before we can begin to unwrap them. Since it’s not part of our habituated way of being to want to experience these gifts in disguise, we can practice being AWARE of what’s here now by FEELING all of our feelings. Then, we can choose, little by little, gently and kindly as we are ready, to unwrap the gifts by ALLOWING and ACCEPTING these gifts here now, realizing they are truly gifts, even though the “wrapping” is quite deceptive.

This unwrapping requires PRACTICES of being PRESENT and HOLDING SPACE for these gifts that we are programmed to reject and despise. Things are not what they seem. We can choose to keep OPENING the gifts and discovering the LOVE that WE ARE, offering this LOVE to the collective by embodying it as ONE. This is how we create a new earth.