Of course I am, you say...but do your actions say the same? What?! Okay, here’s the deal: all that trouble you’re having with anxiety, depression and grief...what have you done for yourself to heal that?
Hmmm...let’s see...maybe you tried numbing yourself. That’s certainly understandable, but it doesn’t heal you. What about distracting yourself from yourself? It was worth trying, but all that did was make you more tired and add more problems. Oh I know, did you try ignoring all your feelings, pushing them as far away as possible? That surely didn’t work. It just made it worse!
Perhaps you stepped it up a notch and went to get a massage or went to a therapist. Thank you for starting to take action towards your healing. Or maybe you visited the doctor, and they invariably put you on medication. Maybe you’ve even been to the emergency room. Your investment in your healing is growing, however it doesn’t seem to really take care of the problem. Why?
Because those methods tend to cause us to give away our power to other people and things to heal us, which leaves us powerless and a victim. There’s nothing wrong with being a victim and expecting other people to feel sorry for you, to heal you, to fix you. The thing is that no matter how crappy you feel, you don’t need fixing because you’re not broken!
You’re just going through your human journey experiencing what you came here to heal for yourself as your gift to all humanity. And if you want to be healed, you need to take responsibility for your healing. It’s time to start flowing in YOUR power to heal yourself. I know...you have no idea how to do that. Well, now is the time to call in an EXPERT who will EMPOWER you by guiding you to heal yourself. That’s exactly what I AM doing for my clients.
Here’s where you get to find out how much you think you’re worth. When we’re in this anxious fearful state, we are paranoid that someone is going to rip us off. That’s precisely part of what you are trying to heal. If you let Fear run your show, it will keep you DOWN. Time to OPEN to a new way of loving yourself. You must be willing to spend your TIME, MONEY and ENERGY in your healing if you expect to heal yourself.
So how much is your healing, happiness, peace worth? How much are YOU worth? If you reject investing in your healing, you are essentially saying I am not worth investing in. And once again, that scarcity mentality is part of what you’re healing. Scarcity mentality will only keep you down. Underneath SCARCITY, the idea of not HAVING enough, is your belief of not BEING enough, AKA your unworthiness. You LOSE if you follow your belief of not having enough and not being worthy of your investment.
Why don’t you try something different? Can you consider that you are totally worth investing in? You absolutely deserve to be happy. You are worthy of LOVE and of being loved. You deserve to feel PEACE. Why don’t you try empowering yourself with an expert to heal yourself and quit messing around putting bandaids on a gaping wound?
If you’re ready to move out of unworthiness and scarcity and ready to empower and invest in yourself for your healing from anxiety, depression and grief, then send me a PM HERE to book a call so that we can see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I am getting my clients.
Remember: You are important. You matter. We need you! And I love you so much!
Free gift for you!