Those are just words. They’re not gonna help you on your journey of really living an amazing life. What?! I know, you think I’m crazy, but hear me out.
Awakening is like a birth, and while births are something to be celebrated, it’s just the beginning! The word awakening is just like a marker to show where we’ve gone from one place to another in our lives. It’s not supposed to be a badge of honor or some kind of level that we’ve attained. The fact is that awakening is a whole lot easier than the trauma and difficult experiences that we awaken from. Whatever we experience, is what we came to heal and what we are awakening from. So if you want to commend yourself, give yourself and others credit for the hard work they’re doing WHILE they’re going through whatever it is they’re healing for themselves and for everyone.
As far as enlightenment, it’s not a level that we get to if we do everything right, kind of like a video game. When we look at it that way, we’re looking at it from our human eyes, which cannot see that everything is constantly changing and flowing and moving. And that there is nothing wrong with our experience as we are going through our human way of being. In fact, in our journey of ascension, we must be willing to descend so that we can heal these human parts of ourselves. That’s why we came here.
The part of us that wants to reach enlightenment is the human part of us that feels separate from it! I can assure you that your Highest Self doesn’t give a flip about attaining enlightenment because it already knows that it IS THAT, along with everything else! Hahaha... I love blowing your mind!
And as far as karma...oh boy, do we have it all mixed up! When we look at life from our human way of seeing things, we tend to judge everything as right and wrong. OMG! Do you realize how limiting that is? If you stay in that mindset of right and wrong, you cannot access your Divine limitless nature. Karma is a thing, but it’s far too complex for your human brain and logic to comprehend. It cannot see the layers and layers of other dimensions that are occurring in this moment and affecting what’s happening. There is no point in trying to go there.
So now that I’ve debunked your desire for awakening, enlightenment and good karma, what’s a person to do? Lean in a little closer, and I’ll tell you a secret: if you really want to have an amazing life and fulfill your purpose here on this earth, BE HERE NOW with whatever arises in this moment, and love the hell out of it. Get in touch with your heart center, and decide what’s appropriate for you and this moment, which can change in five minutes. That’s all, Folks!
If you are struggling with ANXIETY, DEPRESSION and GRIEF, join my FB Group where I offer tips on creating new lives of PEACE, LOVE and JOY. Click HERE to join.
If you’re interested in employing a strategy to shift your life into something AMAZING, and if you’re DONE with trying to make yourself better and still feeling a lot of ANXIETY, DEPRESSION and GRIEF, then send me a PM to book a call so that we can see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I am getting my clients.
Remember: You are important. You matter. And I love you so much!
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