I have a question for you...Why are you freakin working so hard at life? All you’re doing is making yourself really tired, more frustrated and anxious as hell! I get it...That’s the only way you know. Can I tell you a secret?... Life doesn’t have to be hard.
How do I know this? Because I have experienced that life can be graceful, effortless and a whole lot of fun. That’s great for you, you say... (grumble grumble WTF!) but that’s not possible for me. I have to keep trying harder and harder to deal with all of my problems...Ok, that’s cool. I’ll just stand over here and watch you wear yourself out. Is that okay with you? Well NO, you say, that’s not okay with you! No problem...didn’t mean to make you angry.
But before I go, I AM wondering...would you like to at least entertain the possibility that you don’t have to work so hard at life? Okay, I’ve got your attention: The reason why life is so hard for you is because you’re coming at it from your LIMITED human way of being that feels SEPARATE from what it needs and wants. When you approach life merely as a human, you are limited to your human logic, abilities and resources.
If you want to experience life gracefully, effortlessly and have a whole lot of fun, you must come at life from your Divine LIMITLESS nature. Well how do we do that, (Smartass)? Here it is...Are you ready?... (Just tell us frickin already!) If you want to experience life from your Divine LIMITLESS nature, then you must learn to be PRESENT HERE NOW with whatever arises and to LOVE the hell out of that.
It’s not rocket science, nor hard to do per se... It’s just so UNFAMILIAR to us! We must REPROGRAM our habituated limited way of being that essentially has us running around like chickens with our heads cut off, wasting a bunch of energy and convinced that if we just try harder, we could beat this thing and win at life.
First, we learn how to be PRESENT. Then, we learn how to hold space for all the abandoned, rejected parts of ourselves, and VOILA! ... Life is amazing! That’s exactly what I AM showing my clients how to do.
So if you’re exhausted from trying so hard at life and of fighting with anxiety, grief and depression, and you’re ready to really enjoy your life and create something beautiful, then send me a PM TODAY HERE to book a call so that we can see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I am getting my clients. (Don’t put it off because you know good and well that fear will keep you from reaching out, and you’ll just continue in your misery.)
Remember: You are important. You matter. We need you! And I love you so much!
Free gift for you!