Are You Attached to Your Diet Plans and Ideas About Healing?


Outside-In approaches to healing like diets, medicines, exercise routines and energy work are most effective when: a) They are an ADDENDUM to the Inside-Out healing of loving ourselves unconditionally, and b) They are intuited according to what’s appropriate in this moment for an individual. (There is no one right way for anyone to live because we all have different bodies, needs and are doing different things.)

Otherwise, if the Outside-In approaches are treated as the sole or primary source of healing, they can become a hindrance and a limitation because the individual is relying on human logic, abilities and resources and often giving away their power to someone or something else to heal them, instead of working from their Divine limitless nature that is continually present with what’s needed and appropriate in this moment, and which can change in 5 minutes. 

Also, following plans, rules and regiments do not require a person to be present, and limits people to their human 3D reality, which feels separate from what it needs and wants. This is why even so called spiritual communities get stuck and become essentially like any other religion. Just saying…