It’s hard being anxious, depressed and grieving, and it often feels like there’s no way out of it. Almost like being alone in a dark cavern with no flashlight and no clue where the opening is to escape. You don’t like it one bit, and you’re scared out of your mind. So, you’d think you would be there for yourself, since nobody else is. But the weird thing is that you sabotage yourself by keeping yourself in the dark! What’s happening?
The insidious thing about fear is that it keeps us in the dark! For example, perhaps a part of you says, I could try that method for healing myself, but your fear says, No, they’re just gonna take your money, and it won’t work because you’re so screwed up that nobody can help you. Talk about a bully!
Fear has you convinced you are a worthless bag of crap, that you’re completely powerless, and that no one cares, let alone loves you. Am I right? If you keep listening to fear, it will keep you down.
That’s not what you want. Deep down, every one of you knows you are infinitely worthy. It’s what’s keeping you alive and trying to get you out of your misery. Every single one of you are God in costume, Source in skin, pure LOVE in a human body. Love is keeping you going when everything is going to hell in a hand basket. If you want to heal yourself from anxiety, grief and depression, you have to trust LOVE. You must start by taking a step towards the LIGHT, out of the darkness that fear has you trapped in. You must keep stepping towards LOVE...How?
Take a moment and breathe. Ask LOVE what the next step is. Call upon your angels and Spirit guides for direction. Keep listening and stepping towards LOVE. That’s the only way you will get out of fear’s grip.
Fear has you convinced that nobody cares about you, and you’re all alone. That’s another lie. You’re not alone at all. We’re all connected together as ONE. And there are souls that are waiting to connect with you to work together towards your healing. That’s your soul tribe. You must connect with your soul tribe and work in unison.
Fear says that you don’t need anyone to heal yourself, and that you will figure it out on your own without paying anyone because you don’t have any money anyway. Ah! More lies...That scarcity mentality is part of what you are healing, and if you listen to that, you’re screwed. It will keep you DOWN!
If you could do it by yourself, you would, but you haven’t! Now is the time to call in an expert, to call in your soul tribe. That’s exactly what my clients have done!
If you are struggling with ANXIETY, DEPRESSION and GRIEF, join my FB Group where I offer tips on creating new lives of PEACE, LOVE and JOY. Click HERE to join.
And if you’re done with being in the dark suffering from anxiety, grief and depression, and you’re totally ready to come into the LIGHT and create a new life of PEACE, LOVE and JOY, then send me a PM HERE to book a call so that we can see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I am getting my clients.
Remember: You are important. You matter. We need you! And I love you so much!
Free gift for you!
4 Simple Steps to Relieve Anxiety in 4 Minutes