Ouch! That hurts! Want to know a better way?...First, in order for me to help you understand how to stop bloodying up yourself fighting the brick wall, I must help you to understand a few things about the brick wall. Allow me to take you on a brief journey outside of your usual mental viewpoint and into another dimension.
Have you ever looked at a hologram and seen the 3-D image inside? You have to focus your eyes past the 2-D image in order to see the 3-D scene come alive. Well, you know that brick wall you’re fighting? Let’s just say it is all your problems here in this 3-D human life: your demanding partner, your lousy job, your unruly kids, your lack of money, your poor health, your fear that somebody’s gonna take something from you and make you more powerless than you already are. It’s a very formidable wall of suffering. And it seems very REAL. Of course, it is real in this 3-D human dimension!
But let’s take a gander and focus past this human dimension of brick walls that get in our way. On the other side of all those human problems that seem so real, is your most fantastical life, one where you are at peace, you feel joyful, you have everything you need and want, you are loved exactly as you are and you love others the same way. It’s so beautiful! You may be wondering...How do I get past the brick wall? Good question...
The brick wall, AKA all your human problems, are actually a fantastic hologram, an illusion in this 3-D reality. It cannot prevent you from experiencing the dimension behind it, when you operate from your limitless nature in a different dimension. Seems crazy, right? You’re telling me the brick wall isn’t real in other dimensions, and that I can move right past it, you say incredulously. Yes, that’s what I’m saying. And before you dismiss me as a total nut job, you may want to keep reading...
This 3-D human reality is a tiny sliver of what’s happening in any given moment. Just because you can’t see or detect with your human logic and senses those things, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Can you see an atom? An electron? A quark? Can you smell the scent of a missing person like a dog does? Can science detect all there is to know about the multiverse? Am I right? The truth is what we can know from our human logic, abilities and resources is extremely LIMITED.
Now back to the brick wall...Things are not what they seem. If you want to experience what’s on the other side of that wall, you must learn how to go through it, to dissolve it. How do I do that? you ask. You must learn how to operate past this limited human 3-D reality and to flow from your Divine limitless nature. How do you do that? you say, with a hint of exasperation in your voice.
It’s actually quite simple, but completely UNFAMILIAR, so it makes it seem hard. Tell us already!!!...The way to move past your limited human reality and to live from your unlimited nature is to BE HERE NOW with whatever arises and to LOVE the hell out of that. What the hell are you talking about?! you say...Calm down..I’ll explain...
When we are PRESENT, we tap into our Divine limitless nature because we ARE PRESENCE itself. The thing is that we are not used to being present, much less used to being present with and loving all of our fear, sadness, anger. We are used to pushing those parts of us away and fighting them. There’s our brick wall again! All you’re doing when you fight your problems is blooding yourself up, wearing yourself out and making it worse. What you need, in order to learn how to be present and how to love all of those parts that are asking to be healed, is a strategy, preferably from an expert who has done it and knows how to show other people how to do it. That’s exactly what I’m doing for my clients. I’m helping them to rewire their brains to live from their unlimited power.
So if you’re so tired of bloodying up your fists by fighting the brick wall, and you’re ready to enjoy the amazing new life beyond the wall, then send me a PM HERE to book a call, so that we can see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I am getting my clients.
You are IMPORTANT! You matter. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be loved. ❤️
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