Are You Leaving Your Human Behind?


What are you talking about? you ask... I’m talking about ideas in spiritual circles that are constantly trying to achieve a desireless enlightened state of being. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about then this article may not be for you.)...Back to being desireless, there’s a notion that our job here is to identify as the Buddha, the One, which is not separate from anything and anyone, therefore has no desires because we realize we ARE all that we desire. This is true...but we’re missing the boat entirely if we are trying to achieve this enlightened state of being because desiring to be enlightened is a desire that comes from feeling separate from enlightenment. 

Let’s unravel this so we can get to some really practical stuff that will help us do what we came here to do. And we’ll start with forgetting about enlightenment altogether! It’s just a word...Stop chasing it...You won’t be able to catch it because it’s not catchable. It’s actually not a state of being that is sustained...Moving right along...

We obviously came here for a reason. And that reason is to evolve human consciousness through our unique human experience. So, it’s really important that we don’t push away our human self as wrong, but instead we tend to our human. Our work is to ALIGN our human self with our Divine self. Our human self feels separate from what it needs and wants. Our Divine self knows that it is One with all that it is. Our conditioning is to fight our human self and treat it as wrong like an unwanted stepchild. If we expect to heal ourselves and our world, we must reprogram ourselves to care for and nurture our human selves. In order to heal our human selves, it’s important that we identify as Divine limitless beings, so that we can do our work effectively.

Now let’s talk a little bit more about desire. Desire comes from our human selves that feel separate from what we need and want. From this new and expanded identification as Divine limitless beings, our desires can become like a GPS to bring us to all the places that need our healing and to all the places where we can create for the Greater Good. We must know that our desires are not wrong. In fact, nothing is inherently wrong because it’s all part of the One. 

Now when we desire something that we don’t have in our current 3-D reality, we can use this information to help us heal, grow and expand consciousness. For example, if I want a relationship, I can be aware that there are parts of me that feels separate from another. What wants my love and attention now? Is it the lonely one, the unwanted one, the unworthy one? These are all parts of myself that I came to heal. Once I offer my love and acceptance to these parts of myself, I position myself to attract people into my life who are vibrating at the same level of healing. The same is true when it comes to creating. If I desire to have a thriving coaching business, that desire actually gives me the energy to pursue that. Otherwise, I wouldn’t do it because it’s not easy to start a business, let alone be successful at it. 

The trick is that once I identify the desire, I begin to operate from my limitless nature by knowing that I’m not actually separate from that desire. I just haven’t brought it into my reality yet. When I create this way, life becomes graceful and effortless because I’m not approaching it from my limited human self that feels separate from it. 

It’s kind of like swimming back-and-forth between my Divine self and my human self, while bringing my human self into alignment and healing in the process. This way I don’t fight or abandon my human self because that would be in direct contradiction to why I came into this human body to begin with. 

So, now back to the question...Are you leaving your human behind? Because if you are...don’t. We need you to show up for yourself. The entire world is depending on you to do your part that only you can do. That is...BE GLORIOUSLY WONDERFULLY YOU!