Why Do You Always Think the Worst About Things and Is That Working For You?

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OMG! Now that you say that, I can see it’s true! you say. And NO, it’s not working for me. It makes me anxious and afraid, you say. Relax, my friend. There’s nothing wrong with you. All that negative thinking that causes so much fear comes from fear, and it’s part of the human instinct to survive. 

Back in the day, when all the cave people were doing their thing populating the planet with the human species, it wasn’t easy. Every time they turned around, there was some creature chasing them, trying to eat them for lunch! So, being able to be aware of that possibility and being able to defend or run away from those dangers was very important, or else you and I wouldn’t be here. 

Obviously, we are no longer cave people, and we have populated the earth quite well. But the funny thing is is that the human brain has not evolved in the same way. Our brains treat all fears much in the same way it did when our life was in danger of being eaten. Our minds cannot distinguish if there’s an actual danger from a tiger chasing us or if there is a possibility of someone not wanting to be with us. Our thoughts just go round and round with all the possibilities of what could go wrong, trying to figure out a way out of the danger of experiencing someone rejecting us. 

So, what can we do about this? We can rewire our brains! It’s not something that happens overnight. In fact, we did not develop this way of thinking overnight, so we can’t expect it to go away instantly. Imagine a stream coming down the side of a mountain. The water creates a groove in the mountain because of the continuous flow. The brain is very similar to that. We develop pathways from our habitual thinking. If we hope to develop new neural pathways, we have to redirect the stream of thoughts and do that over and over. Mantras and reframes can help us do that. 

It is our AWARENESS and INTENTION that creates lasting change. So, we must first be aware of what we’re saying and thinking. Then we can use tools like mantras, and we can learn how to reframe any negative or fearful thoughts or words. Here are some examples:

“I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m going to fail.” 


“I know everything I need to know in this moment, and I cannot fail.”

“Nobody really cares about me because I am not worthy of love.” becomes

“ I am worthy of love because I am love itself.”

“I have to pay $$$ for my therapy.”


“I GET TO INVEST $$$ in my healing.”

“I will never find anyone who will love me.”


“I AM attracting the most amazing person into my life who will love me exactly as I AM.”

You get the idea... The thing is, you have to believe what you’re saying. If you’re saying things that you don’t believe, it doesn’t work. So, it’s really important that you do the internal work of loving yourself and healing yourself as fear arises. That, my friends, is a whole ‘nother  process that must precede this one. 

If you’re done with all that negative thinking that’s keeping you anxious and afraid, and you’re ready to create something really beautiful for yourself, then send me a personal message HERE so we can book a call to see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I’m getting my clients. 

You are IMPORTANT! You matter. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be loved. And I love you so much! 

Free gift for you!

4 Simple Steps to Relieve Anxiety in 4 Minutes