Are You a Courageous Badass Who Won’t Let Anything Stop You From Living Out Your Purpose?


Are you a courageous badass who won’t let anything stop you from living out your purpose?

Because that’s what it’s gonna take to do what you came here to do. 

I get it that you’re stuck and afraid. 

Hell, most people are!

But if you want to succeed in life…

You have to be willing to go against the flow and to let go of the old stories of what your life should look like. 

You’re not a robot. 

You’re not a machine. 

You can choose at any moment to stop following the script…

You know the one that everybody else wrote for you…

That you make sure and try to follow so people will love you, and you will get what you need and want. 

I have bad news. 

That is not going to fulfill you. 

So you’re busting your butt trying to please everybody and do everything right for nothing. 

Meanwhile, the world needs you to show up unapologetically in all of your splendor. 

This means it’s time to let go of what you thought your life should look like…

That job that’s sucking the life out of you…

That relationship that is no longer serving you…

You know what I’m talking about. 

You’ve stayed because you’re afraid. 

It’s time to take care of that part of you that feels afraid by showing up for yourself. 

I invite you to tell that part of you that’s terrified to make the changes that you know in your heart are necessary for you to move forward…

“I love you, and I’m going to take care of you.”

I AM a courageous badass. 

I wasn’t always this way. 

Most of my life I was a scared little girl trying to manage and control everything. 

But one day I woke up and realized I had special work to do here to create a new way of being based on unconditional love…

Which was going to require a lot of courage. 

One of the biggest things that I chose to do was to leave a 35-year marriage and to embark on an entirely new life…

Doing what I came here to do and supporting myself despite the fact that I have never supported myself in my entire life! 

Girlfriends, I have NEVER REGRETTED any decision I have ever made! 

And there were some tough things asked of me…

I did not shrink. 

I chose to face my fears, allow and open to who I AM. 

That generated a lot of courage in me. 

I trust myself. 

And I’ve created the most amazing life bringing women through powerful transformations and changing the world. 

If you’re sick of living a life that you do not enjoy, and…

You’re ready to start flowing in your purpose, and...

To make some bold moves.

I’m willing to talk to you about how to make that happen. 

Click on the link below to book your FREE CALL:

❤️ ❤️

Looking forward to connecting with you!

I love you so much!

Are You Afraid to Fail?


“The fear of failure as a feeling inside your physical body is intimately linked with money.”

- Gene Key 32 by Richard Rudd

The idea of money, having enough and getting enough...

Is tied to your safety and worthiness.

This fear of failure indirectly translates into your relationships...

Because it has to do with feeling safe and secure.

So you may tend to be attracted to people with whom you can feel safe and financially secure.

Then scarcity mentality can come into play in the relationship...

Which is the energy of “I don’t have enough”...

That comes from “I am not enough”...

Because one or both parties devalue the other by being stingy.

By the way, scarcity mentality does not have anything to do with reality of whether or not you have money.

When scarcity mentality is at play, you are unable to value yourself and others in a free and open way.

Money is just the front story.

It’s more about feeling safe and worthy.

So if you’re worried about money...

The human part of you that feels unsafe and unworthy wants to be loved!

If you keep trying to manage your fear with your mind...

And to figure out how you’re going to get more money and feel more safe...

You will never give your love and attention to the parts of you that want to be loved...

Which is how you break the cycle and open to your infinite worthiness and safety.

If you’re struggling with a failed relationship, and you want to discover how to get support in your process of exiting the relationship gracefully…

I’m willing to talk to you about it.

Click on the link below to book your FREE CALL:

❤️ ❤️

Looking forward to connecting with you!

How Much Longer Can You Take Being Miserable in That Relationship?


Do want to do the right thing and be a good person…

But you’re miserable in your relationship, and you have no idea how to deal with that?

I understand. 

I was married for 35 years before I finally decided to leave. 

It was a beautiful marriage, and we had the most amazing experience together…

But we weren’t meant to be together till death do us part. 

And each year I became increasingly lonely and unhappy in the relationship, without even realizing how lonely and unhappy I was. 

There was nothing wrong with him or us. 

It’s just that I kept expanding into a different version of who I was when I met him 35 years earlier. 

And though he tried to meet me where I was, he simply couldn’t. 

One day he finally asked me for a separation. 

I didn’t see that coming. 

I thought that sooner or later he was going to come around and meet me where I was. 

But then I realized that my idea of how it should look was not in our best interest. 

I surrendered my ideas of what I thought my life should look like…

So I could open to what was going to better serve me and our world at this time. 

It was an incredible time of shifting and change and feelings.

And it took a lot of courage to walk away and to forge an entirely new way of being. 

What about you?

How long have you been in a relationship that you know has run its course?

How long have you put up with feeling unhappy and unfulfilled in your relationship, no matter how hard you try to change that?

When it gets uncomfortable enough…

And you’re ready to make a move out of the relationship…

In a graceful and loving way…

You CAN have a GRACEFUL RELATIONSHIP EXIT like I did and like my clients had.

I’ve prepared something for you to help you get started on this process.

And it’s FREE!

So what have you got to lose?

The GRACEFUL RELATIONSHIP EXIT PLAN can change the course of your life...

Click on the link below to learn more about how you can GRACEFULLY and LOVINGLY exit your relationship.


Four Myths About Relationships


Relationships are soooo tricky!

They can be AMAZING!!!!

They can be dull and static. 😞

They can be downright PAINFUL!

Whatever the case, they bring a richness to the fabric of life.

I want to share four myths about relationships with you…

Myth #1 There’s only one person for me, and when I find him, I must hold on tight.

There is some truth to this statement…

But allow me to share more insight to help you understand how to avoid a pitfall.

Consider the possibility that there’s only one person for you at any given time in your life to help you learn things about yourself and about life.

This reframe gives you the option to gracefully exit a relationship that is no longer serving you…

Instead of trying to force a relationship to continue when it’s clear that the relationship is over.

Myth #2 It’s my job to do whatever it takes to save the relationship, even if it means I have to give up what feels right for me.

Let’s look at WHY you would want to stay in the relationship, even if you are being asked to give up what feels right for you.

Is it because you would feel guilty if you didn’t?

Is it because you can’t imagine what it would be like not to have his love and approval?

Is it because you don’t feel able to support yourself?

Is it because he has convinced you that if you love him, you would put up with ANYTHING?

My friend, if you answered yes to any of these questions…

Your motivation for staying in the relationship is not coming from Love.

It’s coming from FEAR!

And it’s not going to go well for you if you continue this way.

Myth #3 The right thing to do is to forgive and forget.

Forgiveness is absolutely important to freeing yourself.

But forgiveness doesn’t mean that you continue allowing the same patterns of neglect, abuse, mistreatment to continue.

In fact, it is your responsibility to provide safety and love to YOURSELF first.

If you keep allowing someone else to mistreat you…

At the expense of your own wellbeing…

That is not Love at all.

That is coming from your fear of not getting his Love…

Because you’re convinced he is more important than your own safety and wellbeing.

You are abandoning yourself, my friend.

#4 It’s better to stay together for the kids’ wellbeing.


Do you think your kids don’t know and FEEL what’s going on between you?

The tension, conflict, apathy, anger…

Is very obvious to them.

Do you think it’s best for them to be in that environment?

What if YOUR FEAR of what would happen if you exited the relationship…

Is what’s keeping you from making a healthy choice for you and your kids?

What if you could exit the relationship gracefully and lovingly without trauma and drama…

And create a safe and thriving home for your kids?

That is entirely possible and exactly my specialty!

I’d be happy to talk to you about how you can do that on a FREE CALL.

Click on the link below to book your FREE CALL:

❤️ ❤️

Don’t believe the myths that have kept you miserable.

Start creating the life you love today!

Looking forward to connecting with you!

I love you so much!