Are You Listening to Your Body?


Are you listening to your body?

Because it knows…

Your body is extremely intelligent.

It’s genetically wired to guide you and bring you through your evolutionary process. 

The issue is that the mind fights the body, often sabotaging it, creating a lot of suffering. 

What is your body telling you?

Is it asking you to slow down and rest?

Is it telling you that it’s stressed and needs space to regenerate...alone?

Is it showing you that aspects of your life that once served you…

Are no longer serving you…

Like a job, a living situation, a relationship?

You get to decide if you want to listen to your body…

Or continue to push it, force it, punish it, ignore it, fight it. 

Either way you will learn and grow, but the latter is going to be harder and cause you more pain. 

Listening to the intelligence of your body requires courage and compassion for yourself. 

You must be willing to let go of the old to make way from something new in order to expand into the next higher version of yourself. 

Otherwise you stay stuck in relationships and jobs that stagnate and suck the life out of you. 

If you don’t listen to your body…

It will just get louder and louder…

Creating more painful situations…

Until you DO listen. 

So, what do you say?

Have you the courage and compassion to start listening to what your body’s telling you today?

I’d love to hop on a free call with you to see how I can support you in your process of expanding into the next higher version of yourself. 

Click on the link below to book your FREE CALL:

❤️ ❤️

Here’s your chance to expand into your best life.

Looking forward to connecting with you!

I love you so much!

The Secret to Tap Into Your Super Powers...And It’s Soooo Freakin Simple!!!!


Hey Y’All...

Are you tired of...

Trying so hard to get things done...

Trying to feel better...

Stressing out about all your problems...

Which never seem to go away?

Because as soon as you put out one fire...

Another one pops up!

Phew! It’s exhausting and disappointing to be human.

My friends, I’ll tell you a little secret...

It looks like you are a mere human...

But inside of that human is your true nature...

Which is Divine and limitless.

This means that you don’t have to try so hard.

All that you need is to access your super powers.

And this is how...

You exert your Divine WILL by CHOOSING!

Notice I said your Divine will, not your human willpower...

Which is very limited.

Here’s the thing...

You’re used to trying to drum up your human willpower which involves feelings that are hard to overcome.

This is not about how you feel or your strength.

You simply make a choice.

Yes or no.

Once you make the choice to move in the direction of love, of joy, of peace, of your health...

The strength and the feelings follow.

And every time you say yes to love, yes to forgiveness, yes to facing your fears...

You garner more COURAGE and ability to create and expand and grow.

Yay! It’s that easy!

Now go out, you Brave Ones and choose love in this moment. 💖

How Do You Want To Be Remembered?


Sometimes you can get so caught up in life...

That you lose yourself and why came here. 

This can especially be true in relationships.

You spend all of your energy trying to please the other to get his love and attention...

That you forget what it is that YOU want in life...

And how you want to be remembered for your contribution here. 

Do you want to be remembered as someone who was afraid, anxious and unfulfilled...

Because you didn’t know how to get untangled from a relationship that’s slowly sucking the life out of you?

And the only reason why you’re staying in the relationship is because you’re afraid of leaving? 

Here’s what your epitaph would say...

She was remembered for her great FEAR of doing what she knew in her heart was her true purpose...

Because she couldn’t trust herself...

So she kept putting other people’s needs and wants before her own. 

She was a remarkable victim and martyr. 


I know you don’t want that!

This is what you want said about you...

She had incredible courage to live her life with purpose and love...

Even when it meant going against what everyone else thought was best for her...

Because she trusted herself, and she knew why she came. 

She changed the world by first loving herself unconditionally...

And by living out her highest truest version of herself. 

The world is a better place because she came. 

If that’s what you want said about you...

But you’re stuck in a relationship that’s no longer working and is not salvageable...

Let’s hop on a free call and talk about how to make a graceful and loving exit...

So you can expand into the Highest version of yourself...

And do what you came here to do.

 Click on the link below to book your FREE CALL:

❤️ ❤️

It’s time to show up for yourself. 

Looking forward to connecting with you!

I love you so much! 💖

Message to my Twin Flame:


Hey there, my Love!

How’s this life been for you?

Quite a trip, huh?

I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately.

But you already know that.

Truth is, we are never separate.

Sure there’s a part of me that longs for the day that we reunite.

But in my heart I know you’re here now.

By the way, I wanted to thank you for showing up so powerfully.

I know it hasn’t been easy.

And I really respect the work you’re doing to expand into this Love that we are.

I want to remind you that when you’re feeling really down...

Things are not what they seem.

Trust your heart.

You know exactly what to do in any moment.

You know the WAY OUT is THROUGH feeling all of it...

And loving the hell out of yourself.

You know how to play this game called life.

Remember...we made up the rules!

That means we know how to win...

After all, Love always wins.

I’m giving you all the space that you need to prepare for our sacred union.

We have a special purpose here.

But you know that.

We’re here to create a new way of being based on the unconditional Love that we are.

So keep on shining brightly...

And before you know it...

I will see your light and you will see mine.

Nothing can keep us apart.

We are ONE.

We are Love.

We are HERE NOW. 💖