What Can We Do When We Feel Defensive?


Defending ourselves is a primal natural instinct of being human. We really needed that defense mechanism in our human evolution for our survival as a species, otherwise we may have been eaten by a wild animal. There’s an interesting thing about the brain though: even though we rarely are in dangerous situations that may cost our lives, our brains don’t know any different. It treats an insult the same as if a vicious animal just snarled at us, ready to pounce. What’s really happening is our EGO is being threatened, and it will go to great lengths to defend itself and keep itself alive and in charge.

The problem is when the ego is in charge, we experience a lot of suffering. In order to evolve past that survival defense mechanism of the ego, we must identify as our Highest Selves, as SOURCE, SPIRIT in human bodies. Our Divine LIMITLESS Source nature is not confined to this physical 3D reality. It is simultaneously our NOTHINGNESS and our EVERYTHINGNESS, since they are inseparable. Source does not get offended or insulted because it recognizes itself as ALL that IS. Everything is sacred and part of the process that is occurring as it is meant to be. As NOTHING, it does not feel the need to defend itself because there’s nothing to defend. If you try to fight nothing, there’s nothing to fight. It’s pointless.

When someone says or does something hurtful to me, I recognize that my human ego is what is offended and hurt. And I go to my nothingness. In my spacious, expansive, limitless nature as nothing, I experience freedom from offense, from pain. I’m not trying to allow my ego to stay alive. I just let it all be. It’s amazing! And while my ego is dying, I continue to be reborn and open to my Divine limitless nature.

If you are struggling with ANXIETY, DEPRESSION and GRIEF, join my FB Group where I offer tips on creating new lives of PEACE, LOVE and JOY. Click HERE to join.

And if you’re DONE with ANXIETY, DEPRESSION and GRIEF, then send me a PM HERE to book a call so that we can see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I am getting my clients. 

You are important. You matter. And I love you so much!

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