Love takes many forms, and not all love is equal. The love that we experience as humans is generally conditional love. It has conditions or expectations before the love is delivered. There’s nothing wrong with conditional love. However, it is very limiting. Unconditional love is limitless, and it’s who we are. Unconditional love has no expectations nor conditions in order for it to be experienced. This is not part of our human programming, and few people really experience unconditional love because were programmed to look outside of ourselves for love. In order to experience unconditional love, we must first give it to ourselves by being present with love and acceptance of everything that’s here now. This especially includes our sadness, our anger, our fear, our jealousy, our greed, our disappointment, our confusion. Until we are able to offer love and acceptance to these abandoned and rejected parts of ourselves, we cannot actualize the unconditional love that we are nor can we offer it to others. Our human relationships revolves around conditional love, which is essentially codependency. We are habituated to expect another person to make us happy, to give us what we need and want, to complete us and the list goes on. We focus our attention on the story of what another has done to us and we try to manipulate and control what we experience by trying to get other people to do what we need and want. There’s nothing wrong with this kind of relationship, but it’s very limiting and creates a lot of suffering. At some point in our lifetimes, we may become dissatisfied with operating in our human conditional love and are ready to begin offering unconditional love to ourselves. This positions us to build relationships based on unconditional love that are no longer codependent but instead are interdependent. What this looks like is: I no longer look outside of myself for my happiness and contentment. I go inward by being present with what’s here now. Is sadness here now? Is resentment here now? Is unworthiness here now? Is fear here now? Whatever is here, I offer it nonjudgmental presence, love and acceptance. In this way, I embody the unconditional love that we are. Because we are one, when I do it for myself, I do it for the entire collective. From this Divine limitless way of being, I begin to create relationships where I am primarily giving myself what I need and want and able to give and receive from another from a very free place. There are no longer conditions or expectations attached to my love. I am now free to love limitlessly and liberally. I am now able to love your darkness because I’ve given my own acceptance. This is how we create a new earth.