How I Gracefully and Lovingly Exited a 35-Year Marriage


Thirty-five years is a very long time. 

And in that time, I was privileged to be married to a beautiful man whom I loved deeply and he did me. 

We raised three amazing children who gave us three incredible grandchildren. 

We lived in beautiful homes that we built together, traveled around the world, spent a lot of time together, were very compatible.

One of the things that I’m most proud of is the way that we authentically and lovingly communicated with each other. 

That’s an important skill that we developed and honed. 

As part of our shared journey, we lost our son Cory, which is one of the most traumatic things that a person can endure. 

From one perspective, one could look at our situation and predict our separation, a very common statistic among couples who lose their children. 

I view things differently and from a broader perspective...

Cory’s death was an activation of the next phase of our lives. 

After four years on our grief journey, my husband asked me for a separation. 

At first, I thought it was just a phase he was going through and that he would soon change his mind. 

But standing at the kitchen counter as he reiterated his desire to be separated...

I realized that essentially what he was doing was freeing me and himself to move forward onto the next phase of our lives. 

I decided I was going to move to Austin,Texas where I felt most at home. 

Mind you, I had never supported myself in my entire adult life before this!

Making a transition like this requires a lot of courage, and that’s a huge understatement!

I chose a moving date which was one week before the fourth anniversary of Cory‘s passing. 

I loaded up my car with the bare essentials, mostly my clothes and some art...

And I headed off for the biggest adventure of my life, and I’ve never looked back. 

I started an Airbnb business in the home that I was living in, which I had to furnish from scratch. 

The business took off and gave me space to travel and begin investing in my offering to the world. 

Meanwhile, I took a month to be with myself before fully engaging with my husband again. 

And over the next year, we talked every day. 

In fact, I coached him to heal and manifest a new partner! 

Recently our 6-month long online (cheap) no-contest divorce and settlement was finalized. 

Both of us couldn’t be happier. 

We’re still friends and see each other at family gatherings, without any weirdness or hostility. 

It’s amazing!

Soon after I moved, I began investing my time, money and energy in bringing my message of healing and love to change the world. 

These days I am a life coach bringing women through amazing transformations by teaching them how to love themselves unconditionally...

This is the gift that I’m bringing to the world and that I received through my grief journey. 

I’ve learned how to heal myself in a way that’s simple and doesn’t take a long time...

And by the way, it’s the complete opposite of the way most people go about healing themselves! 

I know why I came here to this earth...

I came here to create a new way of being based on unconditional love. 

This world is going to look a whole lot different by the time I get finished with it!

And here’s my secret to consciously uncoupling from my 35-year marriage with my beautiful husband...

I had to be willing to let go of what I thought it should look like...

In order to make room for what would better serve me and our world at this time. 

If this message inspired you, I invite you to take inspired action to move forward in your life. 

Life is too short to be stuck following a script. 

Be the creator and the writer of your experience. 

Don’t let society dictate how you live your life. 

Only you can bring your special gifts to our world...

And the entire world is counting on you to show up powerfully. 

You got this, my friend. 

I love you so much! 💖

Ready to Expand Beyond Your Limits?


It ain’t easy being human and feeling so separate from what we need and want. 

Do you find yourself struggling so hard to make ends meet and to be successful in your business?

Add to that demands for your time and energy from family, employers, 

And your love life…

That’s a whole nother hurdle!

It can be so overwhelming. 

You’re doing the best you can, but you’re getting tired and frustrated to say the least. 

I totally understand that. 

What if you didn’t have to fight so hard?

What if the very things that are limiting you could guide you to freedom? 

Allow me to share an analogy with you…

Suppose you had a box with a hole on one end. 

And you put a bumblebee in the box. 

The bumblebee has choices in order to get out of the box. 

It could fly as hard as it could and hit the side of the box over and over, until by chance it finds the hole. 

That’s one way, but it’ll probably exhaust itself doing that. 

Or it could gently glide along the edges of the box until it finds the hole. 

That is the easiest way out without expending a lot of energy. 

Now let’s look at what humans do…

Whenever we lose a business opportunity, we get anxious and upset and spend days mulling over the loss. 

Whenever someone ghosts us in a relationship, we feel crummy, so we keep trying to reach out to that person…

Trying different ways to get their attention. 

Whenever we’ve worked a 60 hour work week and we’re so exhausted…

We're so crabby and irritable that we don’t want to socialize or spend time with anyone...

But then we feel resentful that we don’t have meaningful connections in our lives. 

All of these are examples of how we fight against the limits of our lives until we’re totally spent. 

But what if you changed your perspective about that business loss, that person who ghosted you, your lack of energy to build relationships?

What if you saw each of those as an opportunity to learn what doesn’t work? 

And if instead of fighting the situation, the people involved and most of all your feelings about it…

You learned how to BE with your limits, and your feelings about them. 

This is intelligent information. 

You can use this information as a guide by gently exploring the limits. 

No more fighting or ignoring your feelings about the limits. 

For they are offering you a way out to expansion and freedom. 

If you’d like to discover how I can help you in this process so you don’t have to keep trying so hard and exhausting yourself…

Let’s hop on a free call to explore how you can create the life you’ve always longed for. 

Click here to set up your FREE  CALL:

❤️️ ❤️ 


No more exhausting yourself fighting your limits!


Start freeing yourself to expand into your limitlessness and build a life you love. 


I love you so much! 

❤️️ ❤️


I’m Taking You Off the Hook From Having to Work So Much


I’m taking you off the hook from having to work so much. 

All it’s doing is exhausting you while making you think that at some point you were going to enjoy your life more. 

Meanwhile, you’ve put your love life on hold…

Pretending you’re OK being single. 

But you’re not really OK with that. 

And come to think of it…

Your work is not really that purposeful for you. 

Let’s look at this objectively. 

Ask yourself why you’re working so much trying to advance your career and make more money. 

Is it because you want to feel good about yourself and your efforts?

Is it because you want to be able to get what you want without having to worry about money?

Those are great reasons. 

But the truth is they are not going to give you what you’re looking for. 

It’s a trap!

Once you get that promotion, that raise, kudos…

The whole cycle of needing more to make this moment better begins again. 

It’s never ending!

And to think that you’re sacrificing your life for this vicious cycle. 

Let’s look at why you’re not in a relationship or not interested in one…

Is it because you’ve been hurt so badly and you don’t wanna be hurt again?

Is it because you haven’t been able to find anyone who can love you and treat you well…

And it’s just much easier to be alone?

Those are good reasons too!

But no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to heal that hurt and loneliness by avoiding it or busying yourself with working so much. 

It will still be there waiting for you and festering as long as you keep pushing it away. 

I have an idea!

What if you slowed your life down enough to really learn how to be instead of always doing?

This way you won’t be so exhausted, and you’ll actually be taking the first steps towards healing yourself and creating a life that you enjoy. 

What if you were able to heal all of those parts of you that have been hurt so badly from past relationships…

And attract someone who truly loves you and treats you well?

Does that sound like something you would like in your life?

Well, of course! you say, but I don’t know how to do that. 

No worries. 

I do, and I can show you how to create the life you’ve always longed for. 

You’re just one phone call away from discovering how to turn your life around completely...

Because I’m offering you a free call to learn more about that. 

Click here to set up your FREE  CALL:

❤️️ ❤️ 


Don’t spend another day chasing money and success!


Start enjoying your life with someone you love, while doing what you love.


I love you so much! 

❤️️ ❤️ 

All Work and No Play...Is There a Better Way?


Myth busters for the busy entrepreneur...

You are not a machine. 

You are not created to produce results all the time. 

You will not find happiness at the end of all that hard work. 

But if I don’t have to DO more to BE more…

Why am I here? you ask, miffed. 

You are here to love and be loved. 

Everything within you thrives…

When you Love yourself…

When you’re with someone you love and he loves you. 

When you’re doing what you love. 

Take a moment and look at your life…

You’re killing it at work, making lots of money and advancing in your career…

But money can’t buy you Love!

How in the world am I supposed to find someone who loves me in the middle of a pandemic? you ask, irritated. 

Good question…

The trick is not to FIND someone but to ATTRACT the right one. 

And in order to do that, you must change YOUR vibration because we attract the energy we vibrate. 

In other words, you must learn how to love yourself unconditionally…

So that you can attract someone who will love you unconditionally. 

But I do love myself! you insist. 

Oh, really?

Do you love your SADNESS about the last relationship that didn’t work out?

Do you love your ANXIETY about the fact that you haven’t been able to attract anyone who interests you or is good for you?

Do you love your ANGER about being ghosted for the umpteenth time? 

I thought so. 

Most people have no idea what to do with these parts of ourselves that are suffering so much. 

Good news…

I do!

I know how to teach you how to love all of your fear and resistance as it arises. 

It’s a simple process, but it’s the exact opposite of what most people do to heal themselves!

Once you learn how to love yourself unconditionally, you position yourself to attract the right person for you at this time. 

But the magic doesn’t stop there!

Remember that job that you’re killing yourself trying to do more to be more?

You know how you don’t really love the job, you’re just good at it?

What would it be like to flow in your true purpose and to do what you really love?

Can you see yourself sharing your healing journey with other people and changing the world…

While flowing in abundance?

Now you have a good picture of what I help women to accomplish!

And if you’d like to talk to me to discover how you can create the life of your dreams…

I’m offering you that chance with a FREE CALL. 

Click here to set up your FREE  CALL:



Don’t spend another day chasing money and success!


Start enjoying your life with someone you love, while doing what you love.

 I love you so much! 
