It’s Time for the Divine Feminine to Come Into Her Power

I’m not talking about Feminism.Feminism is merely a mirror of the patriarchal masculine that has ruled our world for a long time.I’m talking about every single one of us coming into our Divine Feminine power.This won’t and can’t happen by fighting a…

I’m not talking about Feminism.

Feminism is merely a mirror of the patriarchal masculine that has ruled our world for a long time.

I’m talking about every single one of us coming into our Divine Feminine power.

This won’t and can’t happen by fighting against the toxic masculinity.

That only strengthens the darkness because what we fight we strengthen, and what we resist persists.

But how? you say.

We come into our Feminine Divine power by learning how to love and accept OUR fear and resistance as it arises.

It’s NOT outside of us.

It’s not the government that’s trying to control us that’s causing us suffering.

It’s our RESISTANCE to the toxic masculine that’s keeping us down.

We’re spending our time and energy fighting something that WE GAVE OUR POWER TO.

It’s not that man who’s treating us so poorly that’s the source of problems.

It’s our notion that we have to have their love and approval, so WE GIVE THEM POWER OVER US.

I’m going to make this very simple...

Instead of fighting and resisting the people and situations around us...

Take a moment to discover how you FEEL about what they’re doing to you.

Those FEELINGS are parts of YOU that want your love and attention.

They’ve been abandoned and rejected by you your entire life.

And you’ve been so busy thinking that it’s the other outside of you that you’re fighting and resisting...

But you’ve actually been fighting and resisting your own self!

When you learn how to stop fighting and resisting these feelings...

And to love and accept these parts of yourself as they arise...

You come into your Divine limitless power.

This is the only way you can find true peace.

And when you learn how to do this for yourself, you do it for everyone because we’re all connected.

This is the only way we can create world peace...

By individually learning how to embody the unconditional love that we are through love and acceptance of our fear and resistance as it arises.

But how do I learn how to love and accept these parts of myself that I’ve been pushing away my entire life? you ask.

Great question!

That’s exactly what I share in my new audiobook, “Creating a New Earth: Waking Up to Who We Are.”

And I’d love to give you a free audio chapter to start learning how to come into your Divine limitless power.

🌍 Click HERE to listen to your free audiobook chapter. 🌍

The book launches February 19-22, 2021, and you can get the audiobook for $.99 that weekend!

It’s time for you to come back to who you are and the flow and your Divine feminine power.

I love you so much! ❤️

Is That What You Really Want?

The funny thing about the human shadow is that it keeps trying to get what it thinks it wants, not realizing that it’s not really what it wants. Because of that, the shadow keeps doing things the same way over and over and creating the same dismal r…

The funny thing about the human shadow is that it keeps trying to get what it thinks it wants, not realizing that it’s not really what it wants.

Because of that, the shadow keeps doing things the same way over and over and creating the same dismal results.

For example, if I want someone to love me, I get upset if they don’t pay attention to me.

So I either stuff my feelings of resentment and anger or I project them out onto others, all the while trying to control the situation so the other will love me.

And sometimes that manipulation and control that’s coming from my shadow, manages to get me what I want.

Only then I realize that I created the same scenario that I’ve created in the past, and that’s not what I want!

The issue is that the shadow does not know how to create something that’s lasting and fulfilling.

It only knows to create from what we’ve already experienced in the past.

The way to shift that and to create something beautiful that I really want is to heal and transmute the shadow back into Love.

From my Highest Self, I AM now positioned to create something NEW that I haven’t experienced before.

And it’s more fun that way! ❤️


Enjoy a FREE AUDIOBOOK CHAPTER of my book “Creating A New Earth“.

Click below to listen to your free chapter:

And be on the lookout for the upcoming AUDIOBOOK LAUNCH, dates TBD.

(You’ll be able to buy the book for $.99 during that week.)

Together we are creating a new earth.

I love you so much! ❤️

What the Divine Feminine Wants From the Divine Masculine

This seems to be a mystery for most men.They’re doing their best, but they can’t seem to figure women out.And we wind up playing a lot of mind games and tug-of-war for each other’s energies.It sucks!So I want to keep this really simple and clear...T…

This seems to be a mystery for most men.

They’re doing their best, but they can’t seem to figure women out.

And we wind up playing a lot of mind games and tug-of-war for each other’s energies.

It sucks!

So I want to keep this really simple and clear...

The number one thing that the Divine feminine wants from a man is...

For him to be able to love himself unconditionally.

Because when a man is able to love himself unconditionally, he knows how to heal all the fractured hurt parts of himself...

That he often attracts and projects out onto partners.

The Divine feminine wants to RECEIVE her man.

She values his leadership and strong divine masculine protection and provision.

But she must be able to TRUST him.

And in order for her to trust him, he must build a relationship of trust with the hurt parts of himself.

Trust him to be present.

Trust him to be authentic.

Trust him to operate from his divinity, while tending to his humanity.

Trust him to be kind and compassionate.

Trust him to be able to feel and empathize with himself and with her.

When the Divine masculine shows up in his full sovereign power...

The Divine feminine melts in his arms and is ready to follow his leadership.

She wants to be held by his strong masculine frame.

She trusts him not to try to control her or squelch her in any way.

He is not intimidated by her power because he matches her power with his.

He adores her strength.

This Divine union of the Divine masculine and the Divine feminine...

Heals and creates on a cosmic level.

It is the full expression of the Love that we are.

This is how we create a new earth. ❤️🌍🦋

Message from Source to All the Men going through the Dark Night of the Soul

You know who you are and you know why you came here. This chaos and darkness is creative destruction...Burning away the old and making way for the new. It hurts...I know...And you feel utterly alone!I want to encourage you...Though you fee…

You know who you are and you know why you came here. 

This chaos and darkness is creative destruction...

Burning away the old and making way for the new. 

It hurts...I know...

And you feel utterly alone!

I want to encourage you...

Though you feel alone...

You are never alone.

You are connected together as One Love to everything and everyone. 

Though you feel unimportant...

You are very important. 

The entire multiverse is cheering you on...

Applauding the work you are doing to actualize the Love that you are. 

Though you feel not enough...

You are the universe in ecstatic motion. 

Source in skin. 

Pure Love in a human body. 

God in costume. 

Allow yourself to die...

So that you may rise up from the ashes like the Phoenix that you are. 

This is your destiny. 

This is why you volunteered to come here. 

You are a fu**ing super hero!

Open your heart wide. 

And feel everything. 

Allow it all to BE HERE NOW. 

No more closing and resisting. 

It’s time to LOVE and ACCEPT what’s here now. 

All of it...

All of the fear, the insecurity, the anger, the jealousy. 

Own your feelings. 

They are entirely beautiful. 

No more projecting, stuffing, denying and fighting them. 

For when you love and accept all of these parts of yourself...

You transform all of it back into LOVE. 

And this is why you came here. 

Remember who you are and why you came. ❤️