Detachment and Desires

On the surface level, it looks like these two concepts don’t mix. But I’m seeing a different perspective. What is detachment, and why is it important? Detachment is the opposite of attachment, which is a human tendency to try to hold onto thing…

On the surface level, it looks like these two concepts don’t mix. But I’m seeing a different perspective. 

What is detachment, and why is it important? Detachment is the opposite of attachment, which is a human tendency to try to hold onto things because we feel separate from what we need and want. 

The strange thing is that when we’re able to detach, then we position ourselves to receive. 

Some philosophies teach us that desires are wrong, and that our goal is to be desireless. I have a different take on that. That idea is a partial understanding. 

Attachments lead to suffering because it keeps us in our limited human nature, which feels separate from what we need and want. 

When we are able to let go of our attachments to what we want, then we position ourselves to operate from our Divine limitless nature, which is connected to everything and everyone and is all that is. 

So long as we are stuck in our limited human way that is entrenched in the illusion of separation, we can’t effectively navigate this reality and manifest healing, peace, love, abundance. Whatever we do manifest, comes from trying really hard and suffering a lot. 

We are spirit beings that came here in human bodies to evolve human consciousness. If there was no purpose to be human, we wouldn’t be here. 

Many people ascribe to be spiritual and forget their human nature. That is not a skillful way to evolve human consciousness. 

The goal is to align our human nature with our Divine nature. And this is how we do it: first, we identify as our truest Highest Selves as pure LOVE in the human body, Source in skin, God in costume. 

This is where the detachment comes in. We realize that we are not separate from what we need and want or from anything or anyone and we let go of that limiting belief, so that we can free ourselves to be who we truly are, Divine limitless beings. 

From that space we use our desires as a GPS to show us 1) What in us wants our love and attention, and 2) What we can skillfully create for the Greater Good in our lives and in our world, realizing that whatever we do in our lives is done in the entire collective because we are One. 

In fact, we must first embody whatever it is we’re creating in the world. 

This idea that spiritual people must be poor and live with very little doesn’t come from our Highest Self. It comes from the spiritual ego that feels separate from what we need and want and tries to make us look spiritual and detached from this human life. The idea that spiritual people must live poor and simply actually comes from scarcity mentality, not from who we truly are. 

Our Highest Self just sits back and laughs at all of our human attempts to try to reach who we are. Our truest nature doesn’t try to do or be anything because it knows that we already are all that is. Desiring to be desireless  is a desire. I invite you to let that go. 

I invite you to see yourself as LOVE and Light in a human body sent here to evolve your unique aspect of humanity as your gift and contribution to all of us. 

I invite you to let go of your attachment to the idea that you are merely human and separate from what you need and want. 

I invite you to begin creating from your limitless nature and to use your pure desires to create the most astounding new earth that we could possibly ever imagine. 

I invite you to begin with your own life because that’s the way we do it. ❤️🌍🦋

What Do I Want?

Hmmm... That’s a good question! But I’m having trouble answering that because nobody ever asked me that before.In fact, I thought I was supposed to do what everyone else wanted of me so that I could be a good person.I thought I was supposed to pleas…

Hmmm... That’s a good question! But I’m having trouble answering that because nobody ever asked me that before.

In fact, I thought I was supposed to do what everyone else wanted of me so that I could be a good person.

I thought I was supposed to please other people so they wouldn’t feel sad or disappointed or insecure.

And I just wanted them to love me, so I did what other people wanted me to do.

What’s that? Oh, I’m hearing that it’s time to switch that around! I get to choose what I want.

And if I don’t consciously choose what I want, I will unconsciously get what other people want from me. And life will suck!

I am wondering... why do I think what other people want of me is more important than what I want for myself?

Ohhhh! It’s because I don’t feel worthy unless somebody loves me.

And other people don’t feel worthy unless somebody does what they want them to do so they don’t feel their unworthiness!

It looks like we’re all just running around our unworthiness!

What if I took responsibility to heal the part of me that does not feel worthy and allow the other person to take care of their unworthiness however they so choose? What would that look like?

I’ll tell you what that looks like. It looks like I come into my unlimited value and power, and I start consciously creating the life that I want so that I can be happy and healthy and create for the Greater Good.

Goodbye, people pleasing. Hello, loving myself.

I have to go now because I need to write down all the stuff that I want to create in my life. This is so fun! ❤️

How Do We Create Value?

Every single one of us deal with our deep unworthiness. And we do this in a variety of ways: perfectionism, people pleasing, competitiveness, micromanaging, avoidance, narcissism, judgmentalism, projections, bullying, passive aggression, blah, blah,…

Every single one of us deal with our deep unworthiness. And we do this in a variety of ways: perfectionism, people pleasing, competitiveness, micromanaging, avoidance, narcissism, judgmentalism, projections, bullying, passive aggression, blah, blah, blah.

We can’t stand the thought of not having value, of not being important, of not mattering. And we go to great lengths to try to avoid, distract ourselves, and fight our unworthiness. It’s just a human way of dealing with it. 

Our perceived lack of value causes us to engage with other people for their energy as an attempt to try to get more value, to deal with our unworthiness. This creates a dynamic that is like a tug-of-war for the other’s energy to feel more valuable. 

For example, when we are disrespected and taken for granted, we feel unimportant and unworthy. Meanwhile, the reason the person is disrespecting us and taking us for granted is because they are projecting their own lack of value onto us because they don’t want to feel unimportant. 

Generally speaking, we react and project back or close down because of the disrespect. This becomes our attempt to get energy from the one who has disrespected us. You get the picture. 

How do we stop this vicious cycle and create value? 

First, we must recognize that though we feel unimportant and unworthy, that is only our human self that we came here to heal. In reality, we have infinite value and are connected to everything and everyone as limitless beings. 

We are pure LOVE in human bodies. So, we must begin to act from our limitless nature, which is Love. 

In order to shift the dynamic of feeling unworthy, we must allow our older and wiser Highest Self, which is Love, to take charge. 

When we as Divine beings of infinite value begin to care for and love ourselves, we surrender our old limiting beliefs of “I’m not enough”, and “I don’t have enough”, which comes from I’m not enough. We trust our Highest Selves to bring us to healing, happiness, flowing in our limitless value and power. 

Getting back to the idea of creating value, as we are course correcting away from our unworthiness and into our unlimited value, we must be willing to shift how we heal ourselves away from the fear-based scarcity mentality of “I don’t have enough to invest in my healing.”

We cannot heal the issue of unworthiness from within the same scarcity mentality that it was created. When we say, “I don’t have enough to invest in my healing,” what we’re really saying is “I am not important enough to invest in my healing.”

When we are not willing to invest in ourselves, we cannot create value. When we are not willing to value the person that’s helping us come to healing, we cannot receive healing, and we don’t create value. 

And on the flipside, when we say yes to investing in ourselves, we automatically position ourselves to receive and create value. We create a value cycle. 

It’s a simple energy exchange. Money for healing. It’s no different than buying a car or paying for your groceries. You wouldn’t expect a car salesman or a grocery store to give you a car or your groceries for free or reduced price because you didn’t value yourself enough to pay for these things. If it’s important for you to have a car or groceries, you just pay for it. It’s no different with your healing. 

If a significant transformation is to be made, then the energy exchange must be significant. This is how we create a value cycle. 

We cannot sidestep creating value by trying to get a quick fix or not investing in ourselves because it’s coming from a place of scarcity and unworthiness, which is what we’re trying to heal. 

When it all boils down, your health and your happiness are the most important things. You could have everything, but if you don’t have your health and happiness, you cannot enjoy your life, and you will continue in your pain and misery. 

You are important. You matter. Your health and happiness is why you came here. Happiness is your purpose. It is your Sovereign  right. 

You have to take inspired action if you expect to turn your life around. 

You must be willing to love yourself if you expect to transform your life and to move into your health and happiness. 

So many people that I talk to you say that when they have enough they’ll think about investing in themselves. 

It doesn’t work that way. You have to want to be healed and to value yourself enough to invest your time, money and energy if you expect to heal yourself. 

Others say they must get approval of a partner before investing in themselves. Hello! That cycle of co-dependency, unworthiness and devaluing is what we’re healing. 

You must choose for yourself what you want instead of putting your life and power in the hands of someone who doesn’t see you or value you completely. 

And when you do say yes to loving yourself, the Universe conspires to bring you into your unlimited worthiness and power. 

It’s absolutely amazing! ❤️🌍🦋

How to Shift from Powerless to Powerful

It’s so easy to get caught up in all of our trauma and drama. It’s so easy to feel sorry for ourselves and do nothing to bring ourselves out of our powerlessness. Have you ever wondered why this is so? I’ve been thinking about this and I’m gett…

It’s so easy to get caught up in all of our trauma and drama. It’s so easy to feel sorry for ourselves and do nothing to bring ourselves out of our powerlessness. 

Have you ever wondered why this is so? I’ve been thinking about this and I’m getting clarity about it. The part of us that feels powerless is the human part of us that feels separate from what we need and want. 

And part of our conditioning is that we see ourselves as merely human. 

So, basically we feel screwed! This is our lot in life...feeling separate from what we need and want...woe is me... I can’t do anything right... I feel like a worm. 

I have good news, my friends. That human part of us that feels separate from what we need and want is exactly our opportunity to heal. 

The most effective way to do that is from our limitless nature, not from our limited human nature. 

That requires us to get in touch with who we are as Divine limitless beings. And when we do, we begin to see that we have unlimited power. We begin to see ourselves and everyone else in their most empowered states. 

This is where the magic begins. 

The process requires initially a course correction, where we may feel like we’re going nowhere or even backwards. 

Think of it as a big ship that’s going in the wrong direction. It takes some time and energy to turn the ship around, and it may drift backwards somewhat in the current before it moves forward. 

This course correction happens after we experience overwhelming shifts that cause suffering and pain that we can no longer sustain. And we realize we must change course. 

So our older wiser Highest Self, AKA our Divine limitless nature, takes charge and begins to heal us. This first stage involves investing our time, money and energy in a big way to shift course. 

If we don’t shift our direction in a big way, life will continue to be hard and we will not go where we want to go. And though it may seem during this course correction that we’re not going anywhere, that is just an illusion. 

Many people get caught up in the idea that they don’t have enough to invest in themselves, in their healing. That idea of I don’t have enough comes from the idea of I am not enough, which is exactly what wants to be healed. 

We must be able to operate from our most empowered state and take bold inspired action if we expect to change course and create a beautiful new reality for ourselves. 

Anything is possible, and nothing is impossible. 

The Universe is conspiring to help us succeed, but we must take the first step. We must be willing to make our healing our number one priority, so that nothing will stop us. 

When we have that outlook and intention, we are destined to create the most beautiful life imaginable. ❤️