Does the Government Have Control Over You?

There is a lot of concern and anger brewing these days about vaccines and a whole bunch of other crap that our government is proposing. That’s completely understandable. But I have a question for you? Are you giving away your power? Well, …

There is a lot of concern and anger brewing these days about vaccines and a whole bunch of other crap that our government is proposing. That’s completely understandable. 

But I have a question for you? Are you giving away your power? 

Well, no! you insist, that’s exactly why I’m spending my time letting everyone know why they should protest.

Oh...Is that so? Can I offer you a perspective from a different point of view because it’s hard to see the picture when you’re in the frame?

You are a Sovereign being. No one has power over you unless you give it to them. When you react to others out of fear and resistance, you are operating from your LIMITED human self, and you give away your power. 

The fact is the very reason we came into these human bodies and stories is to evolve human consciousness by healing all of our fear and resistance. When you rail against the government or against anything, you’re actually not fighting the government or whatever it is you’re resisting. You are fighting your OWN fears! 

You are pushing away parts of yourself! The very parts of yourself that are your honor and privilege to heal. And until you heal those fears and transmute them back into love, you will give away your power every time you push them away. 

It doesn’t have to be that way. It’s time for you to shift. It’s time for you to learn how to heal your fear and resistance as it arises here now, which by the way is exactly what I teach people how to do, and I’m very good at it. 

When you heal your fear and resistance and begin operating from a place of love and acceptance, you no longer spend all of your energy fighting the government or anyone because you know they can’t make you do anything! You know who you are! 

Love is the most powerful force in all of creation. It is the Divine matrix, and it holds everything together in the universe. Governments don’t scare you when you know your power. 

When you know who you are as Love, you begin to focus all of your energy on healing and creating for the Greater Good. All that other crap will fall by the wayside. It’s not important. 

What is important is that you heal your fear and resistance. And if you want help with that, I invite you to my free master class, where you can discover how to

Get Your SHIFT together

Five Steps to Feel Better Every Day

Register HERE for this FREE Masterclass.

And, oh, one more free gift for you!

4 Simple Steps to Relieve Anxiety in 4 Minutes

You got this, my friends. I love you so much. ❤️

Who’s in Control of the Future?

Well, I am, you say...Oh...Really? Were you ever really in control of the future? Or did you just THINK you were in control of the future?The thing is that we never were in control of our future... No matter if we had a retirement plan, money in the…

Well, I am, you say...Oh...Really? Were you ever really in control of the future? Or did you just THINK you were in control of the future?

The thing is that we never were in control of our future... No matter if we had a retirement plan, money in the bank, mortgage paid off, job security. How do I know we were never in control of our future? 

Look at us now... are all of our plans keeping us feeling safe and in control now? Not really. In fact, for most people it’s quite unnerving not to know how long this will last and when life will get back to “normal”. In other words, we totally lost control of the future!

The truth is, my friends, we never had it to begin with! Nevertheless, people don’t feel safe. People needed the illusion of control to help them feel grounded and move forward into the future. 

So, now what? Do we remain paralyzed by fear because we don’t have the illusion of control over our future? That’s not really the best option. 

Here is our opportunity to actually LIVE HERE NOW. To be fully PRESENT and to feel the beauty and the freedom that this moment offers. 

But how can I feel free to step out into the next moment when I feel like I’m going to fall? you ask. 

My friends, didn’t you know that when you surrender your need to control what’s in the next moment and step out boldly here now, that is when you learn to FLY! 🦋

Who’s Running Your Circus?

Let me guess...the monkeys are running the show! I can see them swinging from the chandeliers, tearing into the China cabinet, jumping on the bed pillow fighting with the feather pillows. My friends, it’s time to take charge of your circus. And…

Let me guess...the monkeys are running the show! I can see them swinging from the chandeliers, tearing into the China cabinet, jumping on the bed pillow fighting with the feather pillows. 

My friends, it’s time to take charge of your circus. And I don’t mean manhandling your monkeys either by bullying them around. 

What are you talking about? you say... I’m talking about all of your feelings as you sit in your home by yourself going round and round in this vicious loop, trying your darndest to feel better, but generally failing miserably. 

All of that anxiety, loneliness, sadness, anger, fear, are parts of yourself! They are your monkeys! And they’re wreaking havoc because you don’t know how to control them. Some of you try to numb them with substances. But it’s not very effective because when that wears off, there still as ornery as hell!

Some of you try to ignore them with binge watching TV, playing video games 24 hours/day, scrolling online in search of some way to feel better. Meanwhile, the monkeys are having a heyday. 

And some of you take the tough guy approach and yank the monkeys by the hand and make them do what you say by force. But that’s really hard, and the first chance they get they still go crazy. 

Will somebody please tell me what to do? you plead...

Well, of course I will. I happen to be at expert at monkey taming. I’ve learned how to heal all of my anxiety, loneliness, sadness, anger and every kind of monkey you can think of. And the beautiful thing is that it doesn’t take particularly long, and the process is rather simple. 

The reason why most people haven’t been able to figure out how to heal themselves effectively, effortlessly and sustainably is because what they’re doing is the exact opposite of what actually works! 

It’s a process, my friends. And I happen to be very good at that process and very good at showing others how to use this process. 

So, if you’re sick and tired of your monkeys running your show, and you’re ready to start creating a really beautiful life for yourself, then I invite you to discover how to

Get Your SHIFT together

Five Steps to Feel Better Every Day

Register HERE for this FREE Masterclass!

It’s time for you to start feeling better and start creating your beautiful new life. Don’t you think? ❤️

Three Elements for Terrific Relationships

Everybody wants terrific relationships, yet the crazy thing is few people really understand what it takes to develop strong relationships. Well, the truth is the most important relationship we will ever have is our relationship with ourselves. We mu…

Everybody wants terrific relationships, yet the crazy thing is few people really understand what it takes to develop strong relationships. Well, the truth is the most important relationship we will ever have is our relationship with ourselves. We must begin first with ourselves and build relationships as an extension of the unconditional love that we have given ourselves.

What does that look like? you ask...It means that instead of expecting the other’s approval, validation or avoidance of our own insecurities, we take responsibility to love and heal those hurt parts of ourselves. In other words, we use everything in our experience to find out what wants our love and attention and give that to ourselves first. Then we offer the same love and acceptance to the other.

Beyond that understanding, which is a basic foundational element of all relationships, I have noticed three things that are necessary to build terrific relationships. These three things are trust, truth and time.

Let’s break it down further. What is trust and how do we create it? The definition of trust is a “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” In other words, trusting that people will do what they say they’re going to do, trusting that people have your back, trusting that you can count on someone. When there’s a break in trust, there’s generally a fear or limiting belief, which comes from fear, that caused the break. And what most people do is try to project out or blame or expect the other to take care of their fear, instead of addressing their own fears, so that they can build trust in the relationship.

Here’s an example...Someone tells the other they will contact them tomorrow, and they wind up actually not contacting them for a week. Now, there may be a lot of reasons why they weren’t able to contact the other, which seem perfectly reasonable to the one who has failed to follow through on what they said they were going to do. But when it all boils down, the real break isn’t because of how busy they were. The real issue is an underlying fear, such as fear of being controlled or responsible for another that has motivated the other’s inattentiveness. Meanwhile, that person is unable to build trust, no matter how understanding or accepting the other is because even though the other may not be upset with the person who broke trust, they still can’t rely on what the other says.

The second thing to build terrific relationships is TRUTH. And once again, we must begin with ourselves. We must be willing to be very honest with what we are thinking and feeling, so that we can heal those parts of ourselves. Once we start expecting other people to tiptoe around our fears, we cause problems. When we’re able to be authentic with ourselves, then and only then can we be authentic with others. From this truthful place, we can choose to be honest and open with the other at all times.

Whenever we find ourselves wanting to hide the truth from another, we will always find a fear associated with that inauthenticity. So, that becomes the opportunity to heal that fear, and then to continue moving forward in honesty with the other. Let’s look at an example of this... Someone fails to share with their partner that they have spent some time with another person because they don’t want their partner to be upset or jealous. This may lead to a string of inauthentic behavior, all trying to cover up fears...fear of the other’s anger and jealousy, the other’s fear of being inadequate and so on. Once again, when we are able to get really honest with ourselves about our own fears and heal those, then we can choose to be very authentic with the other and allow them to have their experience with their own fears.

The third element for terrific relationships is TIME. There’s no way around spending time to build good relationships. They don’t just happen. And when I speak of time, I mean quality time. This is true for any relationship, and it must first begin with the time we spend with ourselves. If we value someone, we must be willing to invest our time with them. In fact, it’s not a chore. It’s a delight, honor and privilege.

What I notice with a lot of relationships is we tend to prioritize other things over our relationships, often because we become overwhelmed with the demands of life. If we’re not careful and diligent, life has a way of sucking the life out of us. Our jobs, our obligations, often snowball, leaving precious little time to invest in relationships. And the next thing you know, you’re laying on your deathbed looking back on your life and all the time you invested in stuff that never really mattered in the long run, feeling deep regret over prioritizing a job, money, frivolous activities over the people you love. So, if you want to build a relationship and show someone that you love them, this is how you spell love...T-I-M-E.

And that’s how to build terrific relationships, trust, truth and time!