LOVE LETTER to Lightworkers

Dear Lightworker,How are you these days? I wanted to take a moment to reach out to let you know how proud I AM for all the amazing things you’re doing to bring our world to healing during this pivotal transition in human history. I see you...all the…

Dear Lightworker,

How are you these days? I wanted to take a moment to reach out to let you know how proud I AM for all the amazing things you’re doing to bring our world to healing during this pivotal transition in human history. I see you...all the countless hours you spend bringing all of your love to serve and flow and BE. 

Though you are there in your home ALL ALONE, I AM so excited to see that you also understand that we are actually ALL ONE together. I see you raising the vibration of the planet as you stealthily navigate beyond your 3-D reality and bathe your planet in PEACE, LOVE and JOY. Good job! It’s working!

I know it’s hard to realize that, but use your shattering things are occurring! Old paradigms, outdated ways of being, archaic ideologies are beginning to crumble and fall away. It’s creating a lot of pain, but know it’s just birthing pains. Don’t life is about to emerge. 

Allow me to enCOURAGE you...keep facing your fears as they arise and loving and accepting them. This is how you dissolve the illusion of separation and bring fear back into LOVE. This is exactly how you heal yourself and the entire collective because we are ALL ONE. You must be vigilant about loving and caring for yourself FIRST before you go out to serve others, otherwise you’re not operating from your limitless nature. 

Remember, when you are PRESENT, you know everything you need to know. When you are HERE NOW you avail yourself to your INFINITE POWER. Stay in this moment. It’s ALL HERE NOW, everything you need and want. Don’t keep looking into the past or using your limited human logic to do this important work. That’s going to make life hard. This is not hard to do when you do it as the Divine limitless being that you are. You are Source in skin, LOVE in a human body, God in costume. It ain’t hard to be God!

I’ve been taking inventory of all of your many beautiful acts of service, and I want to suggest that you do the same. Jot down all the amazing things you’ve accomplished during this historic period of humanity. It will uplift you and keep your vibration high. 

Speaking of which, that’s the KEY...keep your vibration high at all times! You are LOVE. You are JOY. You are PEACE. You are the LIGHT. The LIGHT only exist to ADD VALUE. That’s your job here. Bring everything into the light. And start with all of your fear, anxiety, loneliness and sadness. Invite all of your darkness into the light and into JOY. It’s your honor and privilege to heal these parts of yourself. 

It’s my pleasure to spend this time with you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you...for showing up in such a big way. Your contribution is recognized. Keep going. Trust me. Incredible things are happening. Keep shining your Light brightly for all to see. 

I love you so much,

❤️ The Universe

Is the Voice in Your Head Getting Louder and Louder?

Screaming things like, you’re not gonna make it…I can hardly stand this loneliness…I can hardly function with this sadness and anxiety…I’m going stir crazy in my house…I can’t stop thinking about all the terrible things that are happening, and it’s …

Screaming things like, you’re not gonna make it…I can hardly stand this loneliness…I can hardly function with this sadness and anxiety…I’m going stir crazy in my house…I can’t stop thinking about all the terrible things that are happening, and it’s driving me insane...I’m going to get sick...I’m gonna die!

How do I make it STOP?! you yell...I actually know the answer to that question...Well, freaking tell me NOW! you say, quite exasperatedly....Sure, but first, let’s talk about what exactly is happening here.

Do you know who’s doing the screaming? They are parts of you! Parts that are hurt and tired and angry and just want to be YOU!

Hmmm, you say, is that so? Well, I don’t like those parts of me!... That’s the thing! That’s exactly why they’re screaming at you and making you so miserable!

I don’t understand, you say with a puzzled expression... I get it. It sounds pretty foreign to most of us. We’re so used to resisting, pushing away, fighting and demonizing all of our anxiety, our sadness, our anger, our disappointment, that the mere thought that they could be loved is absurd. And that’s exactly why we can’t get the voice in the head to stop screaming, and we feel powerless over it.

My friends, what you’re doing to try to make yourself feel better isn’t working, and it won’t work because it’s the exact OPPOSITE of what actually works!

Well, what DOES work? you ask... what actually works is for you to love and accept all of your fear, anxiety, sadness, anger. The issue is even if you accept what I’m saying as true, you’re very likely have no idea how to make that happen.

It’s a process, my friends. One that I’ve gotten very good at... and one that I’ve been able to teach other people to do. It’s not particularly hard, nor does it particularly take a long time, but it’s still a process nonetheless. Just reading about this in this blog or in a book is generally not enough for you to successfully undergo this process.

So, you have choices...You can keep trying and trying to get that voice in your head to stop screaming and figure it out. Or you can decide to take the skillful route, which is to call in an expert who is already done this for themselves and knows how to teach others.

I have some questions for you... How long can you sustain that voice in the head screaming at you? How long will you take to figure it out by yourself? Do you love yourself enough to give it the best possible attention? And finally, are you ready for the screaming in your head to stop?

Because if you’re ready to investigate how to heal yourself and transform your life so that you can actually enjoy yourself for a change, then I invite you to a free master class where you will discover how to...

Get Your SHIFT together

Five Steps to Feel Better Every Day

Register HERE for this FREE Masterclass.

It’s time for you to feel better. It’s time for you to live a happy and peaceful life. Don’t you think?

I look forward to connecting with you, and I love you so much! ❤️

Afraid You Won’t Have Enough?


So, you’re hoarding and pinching pennies and trying not to spend unnecessarily... I get it... It seems reasonable...but I have a secret for you... that’s not the most effective strategy to protect yourself.

I can hear you trying to argue with me. I’m really not interested in arguing at this time. But if you’re interested in learning a different way that actually works to get you out of this mess, you’re more than welcome to listen to what I have to say...

We are living in a very uncertain time. Many people have lost their jobs, their businesses, their ability to provide for themselves and their families. It’s tough. What happens is that people begin to get afraid and panic. That puts them in a CLOSED state of being.

I notice that when we are afraid, we begin to hear ourselves saying a bunch of things that are coming straight from our fear that simply aren’t true. Things like... I’m not gonna make it... I’m going to go completely bankrupt... I will never be able to get out of this financial crisis.

My friends, all of those thoughts are valid thoughts...they’re simply not true.

If you want to turn this thing around for yourself, you have to start shifting your thinking. You have to move away from thinking what you don’t want and focus all of your thinking on what you DO want.

And it starts with creating VALUE. You see, what happens is we begin to get very IMBALANCED in our value cycles when we shut down because of fear. All we’re focused on doing is GETTING and trying to keep what we already have.

A value cycle is an ENERGY EXCHANGE where both parties GIVE and RECEIVE value. For example, when you buy a car, you give money and receive a car. You are happy because you have a car, and the car salesman is happy because he has the money that you paid him for the car. Money for a car. Money for groceries. Money for services. Money for education. Money for healing.

If there is not a balanced energy exchange, there is no value created. For example, if someone provides you with a significant service or an offering, and you do not pay for it, that shows do not value it. Therefore you have not created value because we don’t value what we don’t pay for.

When we do NOT create a value cycle where we are exchanging in a balanced way, both giving and receiving value, we KEEP OURSELVES in SCARCITY. We cannot shift out of our mode of not having enough. And life will be hard.

Many of you may have to think about shifting how you do business, how you bring in an income. Many of you have to start thinking about healing yourselves because you spend an exorbitant amount of time in anxiety and fear, and it’s not sustainable... You simply can’t go on being this anxious and lonely...

The only way you’re going to be able to get out of your dark hole is to VALUE yourself enough to INVEST in learning how to heal yourself, how to create a new way of providing for yourself.

You have to be willing to invest your time, money and energy in yourself to create this value cycle. This is the exact opposite of what you’ve been doing, which isn’t working and will not work. Because until you value yourself enough to invest in yourself, you will stay closed and not have enough.

Now is the time to get generous with yourself and others. When you give to others who are providing value to you and to our world, you WILL RECEIVE. It’s a universal principle based on a balanced value cycle. Now’s the time to create value in your life and in others’ lives who are offering valuable ways of being.

So, if that’s you... If you’re ready to move out of “I don’t have enough” and into “I value myself enough” to take care of myself when I need it the most... then I invite you to a free master class where you will discover how to...


Five Steps to Feel Better Every Day

Saturday, 4/4/2020, 4 PM (CDT)

Resister HERE for this FREE Masterclass.

A Call to Lightworkers to be the LIGHT

Lightworkers of the World...Feeling like you do not have enough?...So, you’re scrambling around trying to get more?...My friends, that’s not going to serve you or anyone. Do you know where the idea, I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH comes from?... It comes from t…

Lightworkers of the World...

Feeling like you do not have enough?...So, you’re scrambling around trying to get more?...

My friends, that’s not going to serve you or anyone. Do you know where the idea, I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH comes from?... It comes from the idea, I AM NOT ENOUGH, which is our deep UNWORTHINESS.

And that’s exactly what wants to be healed at this time! Every single person on this planet deals with unworthiness to some degree or another. No matter how spiritual, talented, smart, attractive, enlightened...a person is... we all deal with unworthiness.

Why?!... because this is our opportunity to transform our unworthiness into our INFINITE WORTHINESS.

How do we do that?... by LOVING and ACCEPTING it as it arises. The world needs you to heal yourself and to flow in your highest vibration at this time. This is our time to SHINE.

We are lighthouses. If our lights are dimmed by scarcity mentality and unworthiness, we cannot show the way.

Our vibe attracts our tribe. If you’re operating in scarcity mentality of I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH, that’s exactly the kind of people that you’re going to attract into your life. And you won’t be able to advance or bring your message to the world at this important time.

However, if you recognize this is your GRANDEST OPPORTUNITY TO HEAL THE WORLD and to create a new earth, then you will attract the most amazing people into your life who are ready for you to show them how to heal and co-create for the Greater Good.

FOCUS ON WHY YOU CAME HERE and what you bring to our world. Your message is powerful. We need everyone to show up in their full glory. FOCUS ON THE FEELINGS of transforming lives and creating a new earth.

And along the way, when scarcity and unworthiness arises in you, just be present with it and love the hell out of it!

We got this, my friends! Go out and shine your light!

I love you so much!