Thank you!
Thank you for disrespecting me and not valuing me. Because of you I have discovered my limitless value.
Thank you for trying to control me and make me do whatever you wanted from me. Because of you I have gotten in touch with my unlimited power.
Thank you for suppressing me and not allowing me to express myself. Because of you I have found my most authentic truth and have learned how to express it.
Thank you for ignoring me and neglecting me. Because of you I know who I AM.
Thank you for intimidating me and being passive aggressive. Because of you I have become so courageous.
And about any further mistreatment, disrespect, suppression, neglect, and intimidation...NO, thank you.
You’ve taught me enough. Now it’s time for me to attract people who truly value me, who cherish me, who see me and listen to me and treat me with compassion and unconditional love.
I forgive you. I respect you and your journey. And I wish you the best in your life.