Stop Doing What Doing What Other People Want You To Do


And start doing what YOU want to do. Here’s why: When you do what other people want you to do, you are giving away your power and denying your soul’s power and expression. We do what others want out of obligation and duty, which is a way to AVOID feeling guilty and our way of gaining their approval.

While catering to what others want from us may seem reasonable and worthwhile, that’s only because it’s what we’re used to doing. And it’s keeping us small because when we operate that way we are limited to our human potential, which is extremely LIMITED.

On the flip side, when we are present enough to listen to our hearts and do what really serves us at this time, we begin to flow from our Highest truest selves, which is LIMITLESS. We do this by following our JOY, not by avoiding our guilt. It’s a process to keep following what we do want instead of avoiding what we don’t want.

The process of following our joy is not easy for us because we are conditioned otherwise, therefore we need a STRATEGY to SHIFT into a new way of being. That’s exactly what I AM teaching my clients: how to follow their joy and operate from their UNLIMITED POWER, while healing our guilt, fear, sadness along the way.

If you are tired of doing what everybody else wants of you and ready to experience JOY, send me a PM so we can book a call to see if we are a vibrational match to work together. And I can get you the same results I AM getting my clients.

Your JOY and FREEDOM await you! I love you so much!