Preparing for the Shift...Are You Ready?

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We are living in an exciting time in human history!...Exciting?! you say with a hint of sarcasm...Yes, exciting...For me and many others, we are completely excited about moving onto a new way of being...and for many others...their deepest FEARS are excited by these turn of events. 

Before I move onto the discussion about preparation for the shift, I want to bring some things into your awareness...When we are in survival mode...that is a state of FEAR that causes us to put all of our energy into just staying alive...we are in a CLOSED state of being. We can’t move forward. We can’t RECEIVE healing, direction, abundance, insight... All of our energy is going to just keep us alive. 

This survival state of being keeps us down... It keeps us in scarcity... It keeps us sick and not having enough... in every area of our lives! Basically, if you choose to stay in survival mode you will be screwed. 

Notice I say CHOOSE... because our healing is a choice... We activate our healing and well-being from our will...Well, how do we get out of survival mode then?! you ask, quite exasperatedly. 

It begins with your choice to shift away from fighting, ignoring and running away from your fears and FACING YOUR FEARS...and learning how to LOVE and ACCEPT them as they arise. You will not be able to outrun your fears... They will hunt you down...Why?... Because they want to be loved and accepted so they can be healed and turned back into love... It’s the very reason why we even came into these human bodies!... This is exactly what I have done for myself and what I teach my clients to do. 

Healing yourself and bringing yourself out of this state of fear is not an option at this time... It’s a NECESSITY! We are getting ready to embark on a massive shift on this planet. It behooves all of us to be ready for it. And the first step of preparation for this shift is to be led by PEACE. 

Everything we do must come from our PEACE...our Highest SELF. We must learn how to be present with love and acceptance of all that’s here now so that we can access our INTUITION. Otherwise, you will make your decisions out of fear, thinking it’s your intuition and in your best interest... but that will only lead you to more scarcity and pain...because fear masks as intuition... And you’ll be going along following your gut, but really you’re just following your deepest fears, which will only lead you to more suffering. 

Getting back to peace... once you stabilize yourself and flow from are able to receive guidance from your Highest Self, your Spirit Guides, your angels and ascended masters. This is where the magic begins. It will defy all human logic and abilities... You will begin operating from your Divine limitless nature...This, my friends, is the only way that you are going to be able to move forward and enjoy this experience. 

Continuing on our journey of flowing in peace, we can now move further... into joy, while bringing all our fears into joy! This is how we heal ourselves! 

Then we progress further on our journey into pure LOVE...when we enter that portal of unconditional love...When we identify as LOVE itself, we expand infinitely... Here nothing is impossible to us...Anything is possible... We are pure magic... And this is how we create a new earth. 

If you’ve been able to move past survival mode... and you’ve been trying lots of things to keep your peace... but you’re struggling to deal with all of your fears... and you’re ready to get some guidance so you can shift all of that and be ready for this major planetary shift... then send me a PM HERE to book a free call to get you ready for this wonderful new chapter on this earth. 

Now is the time to create your new life. Now is the time to usher in a new earth. Will you be ready? ️