Is Life Random?

It certainly SEEMS that way, but let’s take a look at this... In order to understand the answer to this question, it’s important to pan back out of our limited human viewpoint because it’s hard to see the picture when you’re in the frame.So we’ll st…

It certainly SEEMS that way, but let’s take a look at this... In order to understand the answer to this question, it’s important to pan back out of our limited human viewpoint because it’s hard to see the picture when you’re in the frame.

So we’ll start with a basic understanding of why we even came into these human bodies and stories... We each came here as Source into human bodies in order to evolve our UNIQUE aspect of humanity. Whatever we experience is what we came to heal, so we must experience it first in order to heal it. When we heal ourselves, we heal all of humanity because we are ONE. Therefore our healing is a GIFT to everyone... Yes... all that crap you’ve been through, there’s actually a reason and purpose for it. 

Next, in order to see the bigger picture, we must understand that our souls know what we need in order to evolve our aspect of the collective. Our souls are creating each of our realities 100%. That may sound like a very masochistic assertion because some of us have been through a lot of very difficult and traumatic experiences, but I assure you it is all done in the name of the LOVE that we are. Those people who experience the most trauma, have the possibility of bringing powerful gifts to our world. There’s nothing wrong with any of our journeys. They are all part of a bigger plan. 

Now let’s delve a little deeper... We attract the energy we vibrate. What does that mean? you ask... It means if you are afraid of something, it’s highly likely at some point you will experience something that puts you in touch with that fear. That may sound like it sucks, but understand that the end goal is for you to face that fear and heal it.

By the way, energy doesn’t lie.  just because you say you’re not afraid of something, doesn’t mean that that is not so. You’re soul knows what it’s doing. And so, to answer the original question... Is life random?... The answer is a resounding NO!

So what’s the best way we can make use of this information?... We can begin to skillfully create our reality by training ourselves to use every experience, especially every trigger to ask ourselves these two questions:

What is my soul trying to teach me right now?

And what in me wants my love and attention right now?

I have to admit to be able to do that skillfully requires a process... one that I happen to be an expert at! So, if you’re done with life kicking you around and feeling so beat down, and you’re ready start enjoying your life, then send me a PM HERE to book call so we can see if we’re a match to work together. 

You will never regret investing in yourself. It’s time for you to shine!