Before I tell you, it’s important we take a look at what we’re currently doing that’s not working for us:
Try this simple exercise...Take note of the number of times in the day you complain, say what you don’t want, feel resistance of any kind...Then, notice the feeling of wanting to push that away from you...That’s exactly what’s keeping you from your joyful life!
So now that we are aware of what we’re working with, try this...every time you feel resistance of any kind...irritation, frustration, resentment, anger, sadness, boredom...try ALLOWING it to be here without trying to push it away. (By the way, this really takes practice!)
And the last piece is to INVITE that part of you that is resisting and that has suffered for a long time and that is simply waiting for you to heal it...into JOY. Just keep following your joy and bliss rather than what you don’t want.
Now that I’ve given you this awareness, in order for this to actually work for you, you must apply it to your life. I happen to know that part is somewhat of a challenge for most because they’re juggling a lot of issues at one time, and even though I explained it clearly, the energy required to implement this may not be present yet. If that describes you, and you’re serious about living a joyful life, then send me a PM HERE so we can book a call to talk about how I can get you the same results my clients are getting. ❤️