Are You Man-Handling Your Life and It’s Not Budging?

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Why in the freaking world is life so hard? Do you find yourself using all your mental, emotional and physical strength trying to steer you life in the right direction, but you can’t seem to move in any positive direction? And you’re exhausted trying!

So you kick your feet up in front on the TV and binge watch a Netflix series while sipping down delicious liquid refreshment, and the next day you notice that your place is a mess, and you’re late for work at a job that you do not like. You look in the mirror and notice that you look like a mess. And you plop down completely dejected because you feel your WHOLE LIFE is a mess, and you have no clue how to shift your life in a new direction so you can actually LOVE your life.

Ah! That really sucks! Step back for a minute, and let’s look at this from a more expanded view. Imagine your life like a big ship. You are going along in one direction, and you realize you’re about to hit an iceberg and sink your ship. Ouch! So you decide to use your brute manly strength (or woMANly strength if you’re a woman) to turn your ship around. But as hard as you try, with all your physical strength, your mental strength from all that education you got, even your emotional strength, you still can’t turn that ship around. What’s a person to do?

Newsflash! There’s a tiny thing called a RUDDER on every ship. A rudder doesn’t require brute power. It LEVERAGES power through simple physics. So by simply turning the steering wheel, the rudder easily shifts the ship. Oooo...What does that look like in our human lives?

Instead of trying to live our lives from our human logic, abilities and resources, which are very LIMITED, we can operate from our Divine LIMITLESS nature and live our lives gracefully, effortlessly and have a whole lot of fun. How do we do that?

(Life Guide enters stage right.)

There’s my cue!...That’s exactly what I’m showing my clients how to do! So perhaps you’re totally done with man-handling your life, perhaps you’re heading towards that iceberg, and you need to shift ASAP. Then send me a PM HERE so we can book a call to see if we’re a vibrational match to work together, and I can get you the same results I AM getting my clients.

Remember: no matter how you feel, you are special and important, and I love you so much!