One of the hardest things is to watch someone suffer, especially if it is someone close to us whom we love and are in relationship with. We have a natural tendency to want to stop their suffering, to fix it, to make it go away. There’s nothing wrong with that part of us, however, that is not coming from our Highest Self.
Instead, it is coming from the part of us that judges this SHOULD NOT BE, which is our human spiritual ego that feels separate from what it needs and wants. It’s constantly trying to CONTROL things and people because it’s afraid for itself and others and doesn’t want to feel SEPARATE from what it needs and wants.
What’s not apparent is “fixing someone” is actually not only NOT HELPFUL, but actually does the exact OPPOSITE and causes more suffering because now that person has whatever they were originally were suffering from AND your fear and judgment about it.
When we try to take away someone’s struggle, we are actually KEEPING THEM FROM THEIR GREATNESS. Here’s why: Each of us came here as unique expressions of Source, offering unique gifts through our human experience. Whatever we experience is what we came to heal and harmonize in ourselves and in the collective. We must experience something before we can heal it. That journey is also closely tied to our life’s purpose.
When we judge another person’s experience as WRONG, that it shouldn’t be, we are not RESPECTING what they came here to do, what they came to heal, the gifts they offer through their experience. We actually keep them in their suffering and the illusion of separation by compounding their fears with ours. Underneath that suffering, that struggle, those fears, is their unique expression of Source, their Highest Selves, their GREATNESS.
The best way we can support others who are suffering is to FIRST offer NONJUDGMENTAL PRESENCE, LOVE and ACCEPTANCE to our OWN fears, judgments and limiting beliefs about the other. Then we can offer NONJUDGMENTAL PRESENCE, LOVE and ACCEPTANCE to the other. We can also begin to visualize the other’s highest expression of Source, the greatest version of themselves. When we talk or interact or think of them, we can look past their suffering, their form and story and see them in their most WHOLE HARMONIOUS state of being. Then we can sit back and watch the magic of transformation!