Are You Chasing or Manifesting?

chasing or manifesting denise roussel.JPG

Manifesting is a big deal these days. More and more people are beginning to understand the law of attraction and employing it as a way to get what they want. It’s great! But there may be pitfalls along the way that hinder the work. 

 First, it’s possible to manifest anything, but do you really want to manifest that thing, that relationship, that new job? YES, you say. But are you sure? Because if it’s coming from the energy of I don’t have, so I want, then you may find that once you manifest it, you are not really happy about it or even regret it. Why is that?

 We attract the energy we vibrate. If you attract something from a scarcity or lack mindset, you get more scarcity and lack. If you really want to manifest from a place of ABUNDANCE, you must attract from your Highest Self. 

 The first part of manifesting from your Highest Self is getting clear on your motivation and attracting for the Greater Good. Does this thing, relationship, job, success, advance the good of ALL? If you say YES, then let’s look at manifesting from the perspective of I ALREADY HAVE, and I AM just bringing it into this 3D reality. 

 From this new and expanded place, we are no longer chasing what we are manifesting because we know it’s HERE NOW. We can think of it as hiding until we or others are ready for it to appear. Meanwhile we experience it as HERE NOW by envisioning and feeling it. We give gratitude for it BEFORE it shows up in this physical reality. 

 Here’s a pitfall to avoid: in the process of thanking the Universe for what we are manifesting, don’t think of it as something out there that isn’t here now. Instead think of it as grateful for what’s ALREADY here, much like you would thank someone after they prepared a nice meal for you. 

 Those who are most powerful at manifesting operate from the pure LIGHT, pure LOVE, pure CONSCIOUSNESS that WE ARE because they understand that we are DIVINE LIMITLESS beings. Nothing is impossible to us, and anything is possible. They no longer identify as a human trying to figure this 3D reality out. They identify as Source in human bodies navigating this human experience by tending to our human selves and aligning it with our Divine Selves. 

 That’s REAL POWER! And it’s not hard or frustrating. In fact, flowing as a Divine Limitless being is GRACEFUL, EFFORTLESS and a whole lot of FUN!