The Woman Who Walked With Tigers and Not Only Survived But Thrived

Does life feel like you’re surrounded by hungry tigers and you’re spending all your time just trying to survive?That’s how I felt for a good part of my life. The hungry tigers were the people in my life who were wanting a piece of me. It was my job …

Does life feel like you’re surrounded by hungry tigers and you’re spending all your time just trying to survive?

That’s how I felt for a good part of my life. The hungry tigers were the people in my life who were wanting a piece of me. It was my job to keep them happy. 

I had to do what these people in my life wanted because I felt if I didn’t then they wouldn’t love me, they wouldn’t approve of me. And I wouldn’t be a good wife and a good mother because everyone knows that we must put everyone before ourselves. NOT!

That’s a lie. Other people’s happiness is not my responsibility, and it’s not yours. It’s not your job to keep your partner happy, even though he thinks that, and you want him to be happy. 

Let’s look at this. Why do we feel it’s our responsibility to make another person happy at our own expense? Well, it’s because there’s a part of us that craves being loved. 

That part of us is the part of us that feels unloved, unworthy, unwanted. We are trained and conditioned to avoid those feelings at all costs. 

So we put up with a lot of crap so we can feel loved, worthy and wanted. But we wind up actually being treated disrespectfully, not being valued, not being spoken to, not being appreciated, not being touched, and forget about sex, not being allowed to express ourselves, blah blah blah. 

Is that what’s happening to you? 

When I realized the hungry tigers were keeping me in survival mode, I decided to shift all of that. 

I decided to start healing the parts of me that felt unloved, unworthy and unwanted. And I learned how to do that very well. I also learned how to teach other people how to do that. 

From this new an expanded place, I learned how to shift the way I interact with others, so that I am not spending my time trying to get the approval and love of someone who doesn’t  love themselves. How can they give me what they haven’t been able to give to themselves? 

I learned how to give myself the love that I desperately tried to get from the other. That’s when I really started thriving. 

I freed myself from that vicious loop of constantly trying to meet other people’s demands and keep them happy. I took back my power. I took back my freedom. I learned how to generate my own happiness and to allow others to do the same. 

It’s amazing!

Maybe you’re like I was. Stuck in life, suffering from putting everyone else before you, and them totally not giving you what you need and want, especially not your partner. 

And you’re tired because no matter what you do it’s never enough. 

And all you want is to be loved exactly as you are, to be seen, felt and heard, and you have no idea how to make that happen. 

Ladies, let me help you with that. Send me a DM so we can set up a free call to get clear on the challenges you’re facing and what you would really like to create in your life. 

The call is completely free. If you want to discuss how we may be able to work together, you may request that at the end of the call.

These calls can be very transformational in ways you cannot have imagined. You won’t want to miss this chance to start shifting your life around. You don’t have to keep putting up with all that crap. 

I look forward to connecting with you and learning about what’s going on in your world. 

You are important. You matter. And I love you so much! ❤️