Are you feeling like you’re busting out of your cage, and it hurts because you’re all jammed up against the bars from expanding so much? Can somebody please tell me how to get out of this frickin cage? you ask. Well, let’s look at what’s happening first.
Our freedom to expand is directly proportional to our ability to dissolve limiting beliefs that come from fear.
What are limiting beliefs? you ask. I’ll show you some:
“I don’t have enough...”
“I’m not enough...”
“I’m going to fail, epically!”
“Nobody wants me.”
“I’m too loud, bossy, shy, ugly, lazy, dumb...blah blah blah...”
I’ve noticed the more one practices anything, the easier it becomes and the more skillful we get. Well, I’ve been getting really good at dissolving my limiting beliefs...So I keep e x p a n d i n g and freeing myself! It’s amazing!
Learning how to dissolve my limiting beliefs was a that I AM now able to teach my clients so they can expand and soar. If you find yourself trapped in a cage of limiting beliefs that come from fear, anxiety and sadness, and you’re ready to learn how to dissolve those limiting beliefs, then send me a PM to book a call to see if we’re a match to work together. I can get you the same results I’m getting my clients.
And if you’re struggling with anxiety and sadness after a loss, join my FB group where I give tips on creating a new life of peace, love and joy. Click HERE to join.
You were made to fly. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be loved. Your new life awaits you! ❤️
Free gift for you!